• Add all this up, and more still, and the amount of change needed to speed up decision making and execution is formidable.

    FORBES: Sony's CEO Is Right About New Strategy Execution

  • Gradually they moved to dimly aware and finally to aware that it was important to some of us to put it in the legislation, but not sufficiently up to speed to actually implement the change once passed.

    FORBES: Beltway Keynesians

  • Retailers want to speed things up by being allowed to give change in euros only, even if a shopper has paid with national currency.

    ECONOMIST: The euro: Coining it | The

  • Opponents reckon they have colluded in making up optimistic projections about the speed with which airlines will change to yet-to-be-built clean, quiet aircraft.

    ECONOMIST: Business travel

  • For instance, the Hadley Centre for climate research in the UK, published research only this week suggesting that forests will speed up climate change in the future, as the soil will start to emit more greenhouse gases than the trees absorb as the temperature builds up.

    BBC: Carbon-trading in Bolivia

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