And he needed to figure out how to split up Motorola to placate shareholders like Carl Icahn.
If they charge, they have to split the gross profit with the entertainment providers.
And if they don't, the owners have the local taxpayers to split their losses with.
So you chose to split the difference between rapid spending increases and moderate spending increases.
It is comparable in its implications to the discovery of how to split the atom.
In theory, that means these stroke patients should respond to split-belt treadmill training, Dr. Bastian says.
This time, the decider pays an "analyst" to decide how to split the money fairly.
In return he and Nolan agreed to split a pot of now-rare first dollar gross points.
The Church of England is likely to get female bishops, and it is unlikely to split.
The developing embryo starts to split into identical twins within the first two weeks after conception.
At this stage, it is unclear how Microsoft will react to a formal suggestion to split.
The second option is to split the company vertically into two or three identical units.
It's getting into the advertising business, with plans to split ad revenue with creators.
Maybe a court is required to split all marital property in such a manner.
The move to split the dual role of the seneschal was agreed in 2010.
Instead of reporting the find, the judge said, the soldiers had decided to split it.
Barclays might find it easier to split up and move its investment-banking operation to New York.
Cheap airlines enable some even to split their time between Britain and their home country.
The students also designed their own curriculum, deciding to split their September-to-January term into two halves.
Morgan Chase to split the chairman and CEO posts held since 2006 by James Dimon.
Ms Lingle wants to split Hawaii's single school district into seven local school boards.
So the court might simply have rejected a proposal to split the Windows business three ways.
What Mr Prescott has done essentially is to split the difference on housing numbers.
However, an early election might be unavoidable, especially if Mr Obuchi's coalition were to split.
Santorum and Romney are expected to split the next few contests on the calendar.
But a funny thing happened on the way to the marketplace: Vintage 2003 seemed to split into two vintages.
With every generation, there are more children and grandchildren among whom to split increasingly smaller inheritances.
That year, internal rivalries at Citizens for a Sound Economy caused the organization to split apart.
It will certainly embolden them to fight any attempt to split the CEO and chairman role.
After weeks of indecision, it was decided last week to split the presidential and parliamentary elections.