The Terps were able to spread out and held study hall during the 4-hour trip.
Essentially, they were stock deals structured to spread out tax liabilities over several years.
"When you get a lot of rain, it tends to spread out, " said Chanton, a geochemist.
And we've started hearing about it more now because it's starting to spread out of hospitals into the community.
It was the rapid unrecorded movement of livestock which caused foot-and-mouth disease to spread out of control.
As people seek out more affordable and larger housing, they tend to spread out from their historic cores.
FORBES: Megacities And The Density Delusion: Why More People Doesn't Equal More Wealth
Viewed from a height, the city seems to spread out in an endless expanse of mundane, low-rise buildings.
Reinsurers take on policies from primary insurers looking to spread out their risks.
WSJ: Sandy's Insurance Bill Estimated at $25 Billion for Industry
There is a time to be in those markets, and there is a time to spread out into other sectors.
That suggests many could buy some time, reducing deficits more gradually so as to spread out the hit to growth.
ECONOMIST: The IMF��s annual meetings: Time for a rethink | The
The goal for U.S. and Iraqi forces is to spread out to other trouble spots without letting places like Adhamyah slide back into lawlessness.
Dr Lieu supposed that light, travelling over very long distances, would have to spread out a bit if there was any uncertainty in time.
Antique tables and chairs fill the rest of the space, giving readers more room to spread out what they are studying than to turn around.
For the current performance of Edward Albee's "The Lady from Dubuque, " an entire ranchhouse appears to spread out, a suburban forest glimpsed beyond its windows.
WSJ: Frank Gehry | Pershing Square Signature Center | By Julie V. Iovine
In addition, he might want to spread out the gifts over many years, or donate an amount smaller than a single share of his stock.
The slightly thicker body leaves room for a nice strip of aluminum around the edges and allows Motorola to spread out the various ports and buttons.
Because spring break tends to spread out over a four- to six-week period in March and April, Ms. Banas says there are still deals to be found.
My face quickly went numb and he next injected Restylane into three spots on one of the folds, and then massaged the area to spread out the filler.
The CMB is the light that was finally allowed to spread out across space once the Universe had cooled sufficiently to permit the formation of hydrogen atoms - about 380, 000 years into the life of the cosmos.
The world needs such simple to make easy to fly safe anti stall zero crash craft to be able to spread out to currently unpopulated areas and to increase the agricultural land we can use which would take the load off current city and town infrastructure.
FORBES: My Ten Point Plan For Social Entrepreneurs to Change the World
Staal spent more than 17 minutes on the ice in the Rangers' 4-3 Game 3 victory, helping neutralize Capitals star Alex Ovechkin. (The Rangers trail the series, 2-1, going into Wednesday's Game 4 at home.) More, he afforded coach John Tortorella the freedom to spread out ice time among his six regular defensemen, deviating from a pattern Tortorella had fallen into during last year's playoffs.
And there are ways to spread that out over a long period of time.
This is our hope for all of you -- to just spread out around the country and replicate what they have done.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama at ��Chefs Move to Schools�� Event
And I want to actually go through what it would mean for our country if these cuts were to be spread out evenly.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Associated Press Luncheon
The design requires 64 receivers, each 12 metres across (interferometry again), to be spread out over an area 10km wide on a vast plateau between the cones of half a dozen Andean volcanoes.
Eight19, a start-up spun out of Cambridge University, has a similar model in which small payments, like those used to buy kerosene, allow the purchase of a solar-lighting system to be spread out.
But she could take some heat if she didn't ask the tough questions and if the material proves unworthy of her network's decision to spread it out over two nights, not one as first announced.
Soundcloud started off as a way for musicians to share recordings but eventually spread out to be so much more, now utilizing technology that allows musicians to collaborate, promote and share their music as well as allowing listeners to find new music to listen to.
Violence linked to the feud also spread out of Belfast to other areas of Northern Ireland, including counties Antrim and Londonderry.
People in many U.S. communities cannot walk even if they wanted to because workplaces are too far apart to permit walking, and too spread out to make public transportation--which often requires walking at least to and from bus or train stops--practical.