This time the government has plenty of policy tools with which to stabilise the economy.
Churchill in Ironbridge is also soon to close for three months to stabilise the highway.
The strengthening of banks will be part of a three-pronged approach to stabilise the eurozone.
The government has also frozen spending, and loosened restrictions on the currency, allowing it to stabilise.
Tepco says it will come up with a new plan to stabilise the reactor by Tuesday.
Drax say miscanthus can still be useful for farmers wanting to stabilise sandy soils.
Giving those overlapping identities constitutional form can be one way to stabilise a diverse country.
The Bank of England's successful squeeze on inflation has also helped to stabilise pay bargaining.
Engineers have removed about 40 tonnes of debris in a bid to stabilise the rock face.
Only by lowering rates almost to zero have the authorities managed to stabilise matters again.
ECONOMIST: The link between exchange rates and asset markets
Italy's public debt, by contrast, is set to stabilise at around 120% of GDP in 2012.
They also stressed the need for "everyone to do everything they can to stabilise the situation".
But they still had to pay more, much more, to stabilise their banking system than we did.
The plan, designed to stabilise the banking system and government finances, was agreed in principle last week.
BBC: Cyprus rescue plan will require great efforts, IMF says
The austerity needed to stabilise their public finances will make it hard for them to climb out.
It has managed to stabilise the exchange rate by borrowing money from abroad and raising interest rates.
In September the governments of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg all injected capital to stabilise the bank.
Merely to stabilise public debt at its current levels will require aggressive fiscal tightening in several countries.
Britain needs the eurozone to stabilise, but it's saying that can only be achieved by much greater integration.
So even granted the will-power to stabilise the economy, privatise state property and liberalise markets, would it work?
In the meantime, two far easier things (or so you might suppose) would help to stabilise the situation.
The need to stabilise the shaky world economy is perhaps the biggest challenge facing the leaders in Davos.
The Bank of England's core priorities have been to stabilise prices and to prevent threats to the financial system.
So they will sell as prices rise to keep their holdings below that limit, which tends to stabilise prices.
ECONOMIST: The charge-sheet against commodity speculators is flimsy
It expects its share to stabilise at around 18.5%, only one percentage point below its figure for this year.
Over the autumn, a series of interventions by the European Central Bank has helped to stabilise the central currency.
Salvage crews are working to stabilise and refloat the hulk, which is expected to be removed by spring 2013.
The money, from the Heritage Lottery Fund, will be used to stabilise the ruins and improve access to the site.
"We believe that this is the way forward because it allows clubs to stabilise themselves, " Hetherington told BBC Radio Leeds.
Before the latest landslide, engineers had removed about 40 tonnes of debris in a bid to stabilise the rock face.