First, Mr Dawkins wants to subvert the mode of transmission between parent and child.
He respected tradition but he wasn't afraid to subvert it if it meant growth.
If there's a single thread running through Finnish music, it's a willingness to subvert norms.
Republican senators complain that the Democrats, having lost the election, are now trying to subvert its result.
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It is the early technology's innate ability to subvert that makes re-creation of the first website especially interesting.
They do so not to subvert policy but to explain it, to defend it and to execute it.
And they need to subvert the game design decisions that mirror those tropes.
Mr Teso set out to find a way to subvert the flight management systems (FMS) found on many different aircraft.
For Mr Bates, improvisation exists to subvert expectation, a view that stimulates or irritates according to your frame of mind.
ECONOMIST: Our pick of the best, including music by Abdullah Ibrahim
Because body positions influence attitude, the mere act of unwinding a resistant posture will begin to subvert the resistance, itself.
"We wanted to subvert the genre, " says Ms. Lister-Jones, who wrote the screenplay with her real-life romantic partner, director Daryl Wein.
WSJ: Zoe Lister-Jones in 'Lola Versus' and the Evolution of the 'Best Friend'
She said the Conservatives were "trying to subvert the constitutional role" of the Lords by pulling the business and were "running scared".
This makes it hard to build a coalition behind legislation and in most cases allows small factions within a party to subvert presidential proposals.
Other researchers had looked into ways to subvert data gathered by gyroscopes, accelerometers and other orientation sensors to work out passwords, said Dr Aviv.
Again, it is more than possible that Khamenei will move to crush the dissidents or successfully buy enough of them off to subvert them.
Jurors might have concluded that Andersen's frenzy of shredding, and some e-mails recommending this, were proof enough that the firm was knowingly trying to subvert a looming federal investigation.
In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.
But I draw the line when an artist mounts a direct and nihilistic attack on Western Civilization that seeks to subvert the values that allow us all to survive and thrive.
But in the end both systems decayed as first the Mamluks and then the Janissaries became interest groups powerful enough to subvert the centralised states they had been created to defend.
But it is also possible that some elements of the army leadership do not like Mr Habibie's new approach to East Timor and are trying to subvert it on the ground.
But McCarthy has the personality to subvert this, because her Diana may be lonely, but she is still more vital, more spontaneous and more fun than Sandy is ever likely to be.
Concentrating on volume, while maintaining quality, the vodka is looking to subvert a long-standing equation of consumption as a marker of social status, as was eloquently explained by Pierre Bourdieau in Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment Of Taste.
FORBES: Wodka And A New Business Model: Cheap, Premium Vodka
If the general synod votes in favour of having women bishops in November, he will have to stand up to the bullies and say, we can accommodate those who disagree - but we are not going to allow them to subvert the primary legislation.
The legislative initiatives that provoked the ire of the US Secretary of State are the bills now under discussion which seek to curtail the ability of foreign governments to subvert Israel's elected government by funding non-representative, anti-Israel political NGOs like B'Tselem and Peace Now.
If the unions are not willing to stand by the bargains they made, and the support that was given, how can we expect any better from an employer such as Walmart who also supported the law and now seeks to subvert the intentions of healthcare reform?
Many critics, including McWhorter, don't account for the complex ways that some artists in hip hop play with stereotypes to either subvert or reverse them.
Moreover, the new tack by food marketers seeks to supplant or subvert parental influence at every turn possible.
And no type is more fun to introduce and subvert than the boss.
WSJ: Word Craft: Ben Schrank, Author of Love Is a Canoe, on Bosses
In their research paper Mr Tanenbaum and his colleagues Melanie Rieback and Bruno Crispo detail how to use RFID tags to spread viruses and subvert corporate databases.
Shamefully, many charities even subvert their core principles so as to qualify for federal subsistence.