Why did he think things had been allowed to deteriorate to such an extent?
The Dollar Index is inversely correlated to the price of rice to such an extent that R2 is 0.98.
FORBES: China Tackles Inflation. Food Prices Rising. Good For Monsanto & Syngenta.
Guernsey Electricity have neglected those properties to such an extent over the last 12 years that they're now almost derelict.
But at the time, many considered it striking that a leading environmentalist had criticised Prof Jones to such an extent.
Pathologist Dr Marjorie Turner said the OAP's body was "extremely charred" to such an extent any injuries could have been "obliterated".
In the 1990s, however, a series of claims that Mr. Andreotti had Mafia ties damaged his reputation to such an extent that it never recovered.
Why have Japan and Germany slowed to such an extent that they are unable even to recapture the entrepreneurial glories of the 1950s and 1960s?
National City jumped enthusiastically into the mortgage business in the last decade, building its presence to such an extent that by 2004 mortgages made up half of its profits.
The Scot had to do it the hard way, heavy rain hampering his qualifying rides to such an extent that he had started fifth on the grid.
Lawyers for the Firkins say that undermines his integrity to such an extent his testimony in the trial of the brothers cannot be considered safe and reliable.
Monmouthshire council deputy leader Bob Greenland said most people accepted that market had "grown to such an extent that it cannot be contained on the restricted town site".
The Canary Islands passed similar legislation in 1991, but only after the popularity of bullfighting had ebbed to such an extent that the rings stood virtually empty at weekends.
BBC: Bullfighting in Catalonia: The death of Barcelona��s ring
These were employed to such an extent as to both leave a sour taste despite what was undoubtedly a superb achievement, and to make a mockery of the sport.
"Certainly Lotus dominated F1 to such an extent in the 60s that it became recognised as the place to go to get a quick car, " explained Chapman's son, Clive.
They refused to take part in protest at Anelka's expulsion, in a situation that has escalated to such an extent the French government have felt the necessity to intervene.
The mere fact of making motorists pay their way would free capacity to such an extent that bus travel would become easier and faster, and subsidies could be reduced.
For those who have not, it is a condition of flight in which lift is reduced to such an extent that normal flight ceases and the aircraft becomes a brick.
FORBES: Fiscal Cliff or Not, Is The Economy Already Stalling?
However his progress in the professional ranks had stalled to such an extent that he has only fought 15 times in six years and had been considering quitting the sport.
Bankinter, a Spanish bank, developed data-mining techniques to such an extent that it has been able to set up a useful business as a private detective agency for suspicious spouses.
"He was a gigantic virtuoso, but one who threw caution to the winds to such an extent that the cause of drama and the intensity of the music itself were uppermost, " Harrell said.
Jurors were also told two of Khyra's siblings had been suffering from dangerous levels of malnutrition when they were rescued, to such an extent they could not cope with normal food.
The increase in VAT could push inflation above 3%, requiring Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, to explain why the 2% target has been overshot to such an extent.
ECONOMIST: News about recovery and inflation may sway the voters
This individual doctor has galvanised the regional hospital to such an extent that last year they had the equivalent of 74 donors per million population, double the already high Spanish national level.
Labour described the Plaid proposals as a "fantasy wish-list, centred on a 30% pension increase" which "ignored fiscal and political realities to such an extent that it made the speech almost meaningless".
With the passage of centuries, though, the biblical scenes were gradually degraded by dampness, to such an extent that in 1888 church authorities hired the painter August Olbers to mend the damage.
FORBES: How An Art Forger Duped The Nazis By Counterfeiting The Middle Ages [Book Excerpt]
But the 25-year-old has overcome his disability to such an extent that he became the first double amputee to compete at the Olympics when running in South Africa's 4x400m relay team this summer.
These appendages may be well intentioned, but their sheer weight is effectively killing the bridge with love, weakening its structure to such an extent that Paris City Hall is urging tourists to stop the practice.
The art scene has picked up to such an extent that last March also witnessed the launch of the country's first art guide (appropriately titled "Saudi Art Guide"), available online and in app form.
Like the Dutch boy holding his finger in the dike, Shultz strained to hold back those who believed that the economy had changed to such an extent that the free market no longer worked.