Men may only use their right hand to swing the mallet, while women may use both hands.
None of this will amount to a hill of beans except to swing sentiment and incite panic.
He passes me a wicker basket of hay and shows me how to swing it on my shoulder.
My gosh, all the rest of us at 14 were trying to swing off our feet.
WSJ: Tianlang Guan and the Sport That Eats Its Young | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport
So is the time it takes to swing in and out of a McDonald's drive-through.
Assuming public opinion were to swing around to free markets in agricultural goods, new questions arise.
He has yet to swing a bat, but has been doing some fielding drills.
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The Fed is hardly in a position to swing from a tight-money, inflation-fighting stance.
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They are most likely to swing to the Republicans when the GOP is on its game.
Mr Greenspan, indeed, was this week urging banks not to swing too far towards caution.
"I'm not coming here with a big axe to swing and cut everything out, " he said.
Our research found that companies that thought small tended to swing from complacency to panic.
News International's papers combine a lot of readers with a willingness to swing both ways.
As for having fun, Beijing is starting to swing, with bars, clubs and art galleries.
Finally, take the round-about route into Cairns, leaving the main A1 road to swing inland through the Atherton Tablelands.
None of these decisions on their own is likely to swing the result on October 7th.
ECONOMIST: The opposition faces some extraordinary obstacles
Those same polls, though, show that Cheney is more polarizing and poisonous to swing voters now.
Players can wave that wand in order to swing a baseball bat or jab with a sword.
But at some point, the pendulum reaches an extreme and begins to swing in the opposite direction.
That environment, that universe, of applications will help to swing some buyers one way or the other.
What I loved best about my visit to Swing Swing was the spirit and love for authentic creativity.
The feat was prodigious, requiring most of Third Army to swing sharply left while keeping the Saar front secure.
It took a half-century for the pendulum to swing fully in this direction.
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The pendulum of anonymity has begun to swing toward new kinds of restraint.
Bernanke has tried to swing the pendulum the other direction, and usually offers fairly direct clues about future actions.
Rather, Collins said it is a result of Duda not being able to swing a bat until Jan. 23.
He was a commanding presence, and he liked to swing for the fences.
In the meantime, threatening default on the interest payment is an important club Clearwire has to swing at Sprint.
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One of her dangling feet seemed to swing more rapidly than the other.
"When hitters know the pitchers throw a lot of strikes, they'll be ready to swing, " Colon said through a translator.