Paul Zoller's set, a pine box, expanded and contracted to symbolize the pressures at work.
This action, which may come to symbolize the second Obama term, saves little if any money.
FORBES: The Audacity Of Power: President Obama Plays The Bully
Directly below them, lilies soar up from a vase to symbolize the Virgin's purity.
WSJ: Jan van Eyck | 'The Annunciation' | Old Subject, New Approach | Masterpiece | By Richard Cork
According to Mr. Carpenter, the chattering mynah bird had come to symbolize honesty and independent thinking.
Buckley died, during the 2008 primary season, it seemed to symbolize the end of a conservative era.
Max and Al are supposed to symbolize an engine and transmission mated together to form a highly capable powertrain.
"Lilly Ledbetter has come to symbolize so much to women, " NOW's Gandy said.
Mr. Streit's generosity brought new insight into the two conditions unleavened bread is meant to symbolize: privation and freedom.
These six young men raising the flag came to symbolize all of America coming together to beat back a totalitarian aggressor.
For others who have made the choice, it is a way to symbolize their commitment to not making Washington their home.
Many of the estimated 200 or so people wore ribbons colored orange and blue to symbolize the identity of the Sikh community.
Mr. Barry added orchestration to Mr. Norman's melody line but he felt his score still needed a dominant "voice" to symbolize Bond's masculinity.
Some smashed porcelain rice bowls to symbolize the threats to their livelihood.
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"Despite its best intentions, punk has come to symbolize integrity and authenticity, " said Andrew Bolton, curator of the exhibit, at a preview Monday.
Apple is now ascendant, and the demonstration in that room in Palo Alto has come to symbolize the vision and ruthlessness that separate true innovators from also-rans.
Dr. Angela Merkel came to symbolize the triumph of freedom by becoming the first East German to serve as chancellor of a united Federal Republic of Germany.
The children wore green ribbons on their white shirts, which seemed to symbolize the innocence of youth, and stood in two rows of 13 on the NFL's red, white and blue shield logo for the performance.
The gay rights movement crystallized in the Village in June 1969, when a police raid at the Stonewall Inn touched off a riot and demonstrations that came to symbolize gays' resistance to being relegated to society's shadows.
The cape has since come to symbolize his rejection of the trappings of the papacy and to some degree the pontificate of Benedict XVI, since the German pontiff relished in resurrecting many of the liturgical vestments of his predecessors.
Yet for all of his popular appeal and surface accessibility, Einstein also came to symbolize the perception that modern physics was something that ordinary laymen could not comprehend, "the province of priest-like experts, " in the words of Harvard professor Dudley Herschbach.
It is not for nothing that Leila Trabelsi has come to symbolize for the Tunisian protesters everything that Marie-Antoinette did for the sans-culottes, and that it is sympathy for her and her family that colors the lament from French allies of the regime.
FORBES: Ben Ali's Rhetorical Alchemy, or How the West was Duped
Years before the statue was built -- years before it would be seen by throngs of immigrants craning their necks skyward at the end of long and brutal voyage, years before it would come to symbolize everything that we cherish -- she imagined what it could mean.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Comprehensive Immigration Reform
One of Gowda's first actions as PM was to offer an olive branch to India's insurgency-torn northeastern states, which symbolize another of the nation's many festering divides.