To stay current, organizations have to take a deep breath and make the commitment.
"Sometimes you just hear the requests, and you have to take a deep breath, " said one GOP source.
"Starting off the process you have to take a deep breath, " she said.
It is also okay, however, to take a deep breath, and think about the traditions that propel this reporting.
"The most important thing for Congress is to take a deep breath, " says Dan Tokaji, an election-law expert at Ohio State University.
"Anytime someone close to you is stricken with this disease, it causes you to take a deep breath and step back, " Polian said.
When you reach the bottom of the slope, your only option is to take a deep breath and climb up the next one.
Regarding the House tussle, McCain told CNN's Judy Woodruff on Friday afternoon he thought both sides would do well to take a deep breath.
He pulled his colleague aside and told him to take a deep breath and count to 10, while other volunteers picked up the ballots.
So consider this both an open thread, a promise to take a deep breath before plunging this blog into Dark Souls posts, and a request for feedback.
Part of me missed the fast twitch, addictive nature of being plugged in, however another part of me appreciated the time to take a deep breath and consciously focus on being in a particular moment in time.
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While it is not difficult to see the point made by those in opposition to this sort of government interference and restriction, it would be wise for everyone to take a deep breath and gain a better understanding of what we are talking about before blowing our collective stacks.
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"What I've told everybody to do is take a deep breath and relax, " Blackwell told the audience.
When investing, it is always good to step back, take a deep breath and assess the current macro environment.
FORBES: Before You Invest Take A Look At The Current Macro Environment
We headed on over to its booth at CES to give them all a once over, and there's quite a few to get through so let's take a deep breath.
There were times when I had to grit my teeth, steel myself and take a deep breath before making the weekly phone call to see how she was.
He warned Republicans spending cuts couldn't be at the expense of (take a deep breath to read the whole shopping list) investment in infrastructure, investment in jobs, education, training, research or new technology.
At this point, in order to breathe, our only option was to keep moving to an open space where we could take a deep breath of fresh air.
If you are a tantrum thrower, this advice may enrage you, but yes, you should take a deep breath and count to 10.
So please, before you sign anything, stop, take a deep breath, and turn to sources of high-quality information from reputable divorce professionals.
Next time you are realizing that you will miss the big meeting due to your layover, maybe pop open this app, take a deep breath, and run through one of the exercises for your soul.
And while many of them are still scrambling to move their email services to other providers, I would suggest we all stop and take a deep breath.
The software upgrade turns up the throttle response to 11 and so, if you bury your foot, the car will take a deep breath and then lunge forward (and a little sideways) on gusts of turbo boost and a blizzard of revs.
If you expect a private money manager to catapult you and your nest egg onto the Forbes 400 Richest People in America list, take a deep breath.
This means that anyone who owns stocks or other investments should take a deep breath and decide just how much risk he or she is willing to accept.
These leaders literally take a deep breath or two, and maybe even walk around for a few minutes, to allow the intensity of the emotion to subside before lucidly and steadily plotting a path forward.
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