As shock registered on Blackwell's face, Marley asked the photographer to take a picture of them.
There are hundreds of people waiting in line to take a picture with him.
Usually the folks want to take a picture with me, sit next to me, talk to me.
"At one point I tried to take a picture of a young boy attacking a camera, " Sussman wrote.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: It takes 45 minutes to take a picture with everyone who stood in line - 486 of them, all told.
But holding up my phone to take a picture of him seems like a bad move, one that could possibly further ignite his rage.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: When tech can't save us from road rage
"Everybody who is carrying around a cell phone has the ability to take a picture of you behaving badly, getting in trouble, " Thompson said.
Instead of unlocking my door, I backed away from it, as if to take a picture, until I bumped into the wall behind me.
Using magnetic resonance imaging, it may be possible soon to take a picture of an internal organ and create a virtual tour of it.
De Sole recalls that as they parted, McQueen called over a nearby photographer and asked him to take a picture of the two men together.
For example, a Gig about a street intersection would require the person to take a picture of an intersection, and answer a few questions about it.
"I believe he was trying to take a picture and make it better rather than trying to take a picture and make a statement, " Hershorn says.
"I needed to take a picture here, " Mr. Kierzkowski said.
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"You get to take a picture covered in mud with your T-shirt and you look like you've gone through the war, " says Jim Thornton, president-elect of the National Athletic Trainers' Association.
I'm not about to try to beat this guy physically -- that's not in me -- but I consider grabbing my smartphone to take a picture of him, his car and his license plate.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: When tech can't save us from road rage
This means that each time one is found, one of the researchers will free-dive down to take a picture of it between the fifth gill and the side fin on both left and right sides.
Instead, they installed an iSnap Social Photo Station a few weeks ago. iSnap Social enables customers to take a picture with their new boots and post it to Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and person email addresses.
"The most fun I have is when I'm a pirate, because you can drink and carry on and act out and stagger, and guys will throw their girls at you to take a picture, " said Robert Bean, a master technician for Toyota by day and " Pirate Cutthroat Robert" -- "Pirate Bob" for short -- at festivals, conventions, parades and pirate events.
And after these investments have been given the better part of a year to take root, a picture of their impact is starting to emerge.
When talking about concerns about growing government dependency, conservatives also need to take care to paint a positive picture of their contrasting vision.
In the future, surgeons may be able to take an MRI of, say, a liver and duplicate the picture on computers to take a virtual walk through the organ to plan for surgery.
All you have to do is take a picture of your sneakers and tell us a little bit about why you're running.
"It's going to take some more time to draw a clear picture of what transpired here, " a U.S. official told NPR on Tuesday.
Sharing snapshots has a whiff of the Color app to it: whenever you take a picture of something, that photo will automatically appear on your friends' Highlight stream as long as they're in the vicinity.
As I was preparing to leave, I realized I should take a picture -- just to prove I had accessed
The former would mean Argo has to overcome 80 years of Oscar history to take Best Picture without even a nomination for Best Director, and the latter means Lincoln has to overcome a softening status amid a race that became highly competitive with strong challengers in the home stretch.
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But when people pay thirty thousand they want to talk to you, and take a picture with you.
The big thing here is the ability to let the community take its own readings to build a bigger picture of water and are purity levels through online applications.
ENGADGET: AirBot and WaterBot help localize pollution data collection (video)
We had a long line, and we had a lady that was prepared to take the picture, but out of her purse she pulled out a tiara.