And I decided to take lessons and find out everything I could about the horn.
Nonetheless, modern people may be able to take lessons from the long-lived Tikal technology, he said.
Mr Boateng said he refused to take lessons on law and order from members of the previous Conservative administration, saying crime had doubled under it.
Although it seems a bit odd to take lessons in core competences and shareholder value from an autocrat who balances handbags and cognac, Mr Arnault's plan has some logic.
But he put in vast hours to improve his fielding, initially as a first baseman, then as a left fielder, going so far at one point as to take dancing lessons to sharpen his coordination.
This gives 15 pupils at Birkwood Primary School the opportunity to take music lessons.
Under the Home Secretary's proposals, asylum seekers will be required to take English lessons.
Instead of studying biotechnology together, they find time to take singing lessons.
This is a more-or-less permanent state of affairs, because Mr O'Konek's contract says he does not have to take language lessons for three years (he wants to devote himself to the telecoms business first).
"We want to take the lessons learned from electronics and semiconductor industries (about pollution) and get ahead of some of these problems, " said John Smirnow, vice president for trade and competitiveness at the nearly 500-member Solar Energy Industries Association.
I'd like to take some of the lessons that I learned this week on, so I hope to aim to take public transport to work at least three days per week and possibly more if my employers can come up with some alternative to using my own car for site visits and meetings.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Scotland's public transport on trial
Trying to take those same lessons and apply them to this role, I think, is very important.
Erdogan recently announced that students could elect to take Kurdish language lessons under a new educational reform package.
Emily needs to be willing to take the hard lessons of the marketplace in stride and with a teachable attitude.
FORBES: Thinking Like a Student Can Impede Your Path to a Successful Career
But at least I was able to take away some lessons and inspiration that I can apply in my role as a business leader.
To reach the intermediate level, most instructors say you must take lessons for one to two years.
To counter the tendency toward aloofness, Martin insists that floorwalkers take lessons on how to be friendly and approachable.
He said these Funds would help youngsters cover costs when going to college, take driving lessons, or pay for a deposit on their first rented flat.
All of these examples have the power to provide us with lessons that we can take to heart in order to become stronger, better, more effective in whatever it is that we do.
But the real lessons to take away from Enron and WorldCom are that financial reporting can never be an exact science, and that managers will be as greedy as they can get away with.
For me, the Grand adVenture that I dreamed about was starting my own mentoring and angel investingfirm that would allow me to take all of the lessons and experiences that I had gone through and use them to help others be successful.
Future policymakers should take to heart the constructive lessons of these two engagements.
Maybe, if other organizations take these lessons to heart it will prevent future abuses and save others from becoming victims.
Teachers' unions loathe him, and parents are indignant when their dullard offspring are made to take a year's lessons again.
ECONOMIST: Lexington: The mystery of Michael Bloomberg | The
Year groups will take it in turns to miss lessons because the loss of the arts and theatre block has left the school with a shortage of classrooms.
Take a moment to share with us lessons that you have learned from your Mom.
During high season, which runs December to February, a greater number of novice surfers arrive, looking to rent a board and take a few lessons.
You can take your pick of lessons to be learned here.
FORBES: Chasing Dragons: How A Misunderstanding Of Video Games Led To The 38 Studios Disaster