Marital coercion is therefore a broader defence than duress in that it is enough that the wife acted because of the dominating will of her husband, her own will being overpowered by his so that she had no choice but to unwillingly take part in the offence.
But they will argue on Martin's behalf that there should be a change to the approach taken to prosecution for assisted suicide because, although it is legal totake your own life it is a serious criminal offenceto assist someone to do so.
Police have submitted a file to the Crown Prosecution Service over claims Mr Huhne asked his former wife totake speeding points on his behalf for an offence in 2003 so that he would not lose his licence.
So when crime rises, better to create another criminal offence and we've had over 3000 new ones since 1997, than it is totake the long-term action that would strengthen families.
The Kenyan authorities are saying they cannot take him to court since he has not committed any offence in Kenya and also since he was heading to Somalia.
This could include posts made by drunk people who, on sobering up, take swift action to delete the communication because they are genuinely sorry for the offence or harm they caused.
Also I personally take great offence at the insinuation that people earning minimum wage were lazy at school if everyone went to university then who would serve you in the supermarkets and clean up after you?