Women's groups say police are less likely to take seriously complaints from such marginalized communities.
But this psychologizing only exposes the inability of climate activists to take seriously the rational case for inaction.
It is a serious message that governments and institutions, including the World Bank, are beginning to take seriously.
It's also hard to take seriously the suggestion that something should be done to reduce the power of the whips.
Mr O'Neill had become something of a joke in the financial markets, which found him increasingly difficult to take seriously.
The next best thing might be binding rules that force southern governments to take seriously those things dear to German voters.
And that is absurd and hard to take seriously his specific plan.
What we are far less sure how to do is to take seriously a public figure's seemingly admirable character and professions of higher purpose.
Then something unprecedented happened: its leaders decided to take seriously the clauses in successive education acts saying that it should consider suppliers other than itself.
ECONOMIST: Going beyond the call of duty to get good teaching
Now a group of parents in Sevenoaks has collected 2, 200 signatures, forcing Kent County Council to take seriously their campaign for a new grammar school.
Although political Islam has largely been barred from politics, the Islamist renaissance has prompted governments to take seriously their role as guardians of Islamic practice.
Infotainment platforms are a dime a dozen these days, but Garmin's K2 "glass cockpit" is definitely one system that you're going to want to take seriously.
So, he says, Brazil has since been pushing Mr Fujimori to take seriously proposals for democratic reforms put forward by the Organisation of American States (see article).
The police have to take seriously the most trivial complaints.
Cameron has decided to spoof what he used to take seriously, and the result, though bright and deafening, feels oddly slack he loosens the screws, and our interest drops away.
By posing as the sole major power to take seriously (at least in public) Iran's protestations that its nuclear programme is innocent, Russia has gained both commercially and diplomatically.
The threats against the U.S. are also hard to take seriously because hitting long-range targets is still widely believed to be beyond the current limits of North Korea's missile technology.
America has long been urging its Gulf allies to take seriously the threat of Iranian and Iraqi ballistic missiles, and has now offered to share data from its early-warning detection satellites.
Political actors exhibited this same human nature, and any discussion of political institutions had to take seriously our moral and cognitive limitations as well as the fact that people respond to incentives.
FORBES: Order, Prosperity, and Hard Work: Appreciating James Buchanan (1919-2013)
It is hard to know what to make of the chapter on astrology, superstition that Ms Sobel appears to take seriously, and which shifts the tone of her book from thoughtful to flaky.
It is a time to get serious about the long-term infrastructure building that is so lacking and whose fruits are essential, and finally to take seriously the need to present those ideas as compellingly as they deserve to be.
Although the Sex Discrimination Act of 1975 did provide some protection for women in the workplace, it was not until the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 that employers were obliged to take seriously the issue of female staff being bullied or sexually harassed in the office.
In a move exposing his own cynical refusal to take seriously the threat posed by nuclear proliferation, ElBaradei ended his October 2004 warning regarding the disappearance of the Iraqi nuclear equipment by asking anyone with information about the whereabouts of Iraq's nuclear program to give his office a telephone call.
So we shouldn't be spooked by this notion that, well, is now the time to take seriously in an intelligent way, not in a knee-jerk way, the challenge of financial regulatory reform so that you don't have banks that are too big to fail and you're not putting taxpayers at risk and you're not putting the economy at risk -- now is the time to do it.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
We obviously want to see Congress take this seriously and both -- all four leaders who do the appointing to take it seriously.
Initially he had trouble getting firms to take loyalty seriously or to do anything about measuring or tracking it.
FORBES: Measuring Business's New Bottom Line: Customer Delight
And I think that's important to get people to take politics seriously , to see that the political process can change their lives, can respond in times of trouble.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | The Home Secretary, David Blunkett MP
And you need to take very seriously the need to raise the debt limit so that the full faith and credit of the United States government is maintained around the globe.
But then, the advice I was giving about how that should be done and the need for the coalition to take very seriously its Geneva Convention obligations to keep order, to keep basic humanitarian services running, and to keep civil administration running, and get the UN in to create a new Iraqi political and interim authority, that was all being ignored.
The U.S. decision to take Adams seriously also made it harder for him to backtrack from diplomacy.