That watered-down bill, now headed to the full House, passed the committee by 10 votes.
This looks very promising and I am looking forward to the full roll-out of the function.
Afterwards, it will be dispatched to the full lower house for discussion, a vote and adoption.
She travelled the world, was well educated and she lived life to the full.
BBC: Chase death policewoman Adele Cashman had heart problem
Then we will move to recommend a fair and appropriate punishment to the full House.
All of the 20 have found their niche and are exploiting it to the full.
That's why we are so committed to the full implement of the Good Friday Agreement.
BBC: Enda Kenny says true test of peace is absence of peace walls
The committee did not vote Friday to report Moseley-Braun's nomination to the full Senate.
The amendment will be presented to the the full council by Independent group leader Marie Boulton.
Click the link above to listen to the full interview with Morning Edition's Steve Inskeep.
In 1978, Bopp became the general counsel to the full National Right to Life Committee.
Angie Gaunt, wife of Timothy Oakes, from Cheshire, said he had "lived life to the full".
The key is education - an earnest facing-up to the full, tragic truth by both populations.
Mr Morrell plans to put forward a motion to the full council meeting later.
They should be involved to the full and take an active participation in it.
WHITEHOUSE: Signing of New START Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia
For the full year, new customers grew 17.6 percent compared to the full year of 2011.
And we've been working to give web applications access to the full range of desktop capabilities.
ENGADGET: Canonical integrating Ubuntu WebApps in Quantal Quetzal (video)
On Wednesday, a motion was put to the full council calling for him to stand down.
We should not dignify these articles of impeachment by sending them to the full House.
By extending producer responsibility to the full life-cycle, there is no concept of waste.
The secret of profitable broadcasting is to exploit each station's advertising potential to the full.
But someone who only experiences the virtual you is not getting anywhere close to the full story.
But he said cautioned that he wasn't yet signing on to the full "Gang of Eight" plan.
CNN: With deal in hand, senators to roll out immigration plan
If only one company has access to the full data, how do you get a second opinion?
Mr Robinson maintained he was performing his ministerial duties to the full in spite of the boycott.
The reform package was presented to the full parliament in Strasbourg by the German Social Democrat MEP Ulrike Rodust.
BBC: Euro MPs back large-scale fishing reform to save stocks
The decision to maintain the linkage of the AS level to the full GCE A-level is also welcomed.
Even this limited initial personal account proposal would lead by itself to the full solvency of Social Security.
The group urges the public, and parliament, to give serious consideration to the full picture on smoking laws.
As The Economist went to press, George Bush's tax cut was proceeding to the full House for debate.