Taking me back to the place I belong, bringing me home to the West.
The flash in the sky was also seen from Kanchanaburi province to the west of the capital.
Magenta pinks, brilliant oranges and muted purples streak the sky as the sun sinks to the west.
More than a dozen FBI and local law-enforcement officials went to the West New York, N.
Just to the west of the World Trade Center site, Brookfield Office Properties Inc.
Drought has been a cause for concern in Australia, some 2, 000 miles to the west.
So Kurosawa, with his period parables of honor defended and defeated, represented Japan to the West.
It will not need to be anything like the solid barrier to the west.
But Mr Rhys is looking more to the west of Wales to pursue his acting.
George Soros, the billionaire investor, has called for an end to the West's "war on drugs".
Thailand has always been open to the West and under Mr Thaksin will remain so.
In many other ways, too, Uzhgorod seems to have chugged a lot closer to the West.
That would upset Turkey's American allies, who distrust his attitude to the West and to Israel.
Being located to the west of Anglo-Saxon Lundenwic, Thorney's church became known as 'west minster'.
At the end of the war, the Biedenkopfs were forced to go to the west.
He kept a German one at Termiz and is making new overtures to the West.
Even modest economic ties would underscore the benefit of an opening to the West.
FORBES: Turn The Problem Of North Korea Over To Its Neighbors
After all, China has been open to the west for business for 30 years.
FORBES: The One Thing No One Tells You About Doing Business in China
Have you got any sort of a desire to follow them to the West?
Azerbaijan, their neighbour to the west, has had a different passage into the post-Soviet era.
However, the Congress leaders are not calling for an end to the West Bengal coalition.
The agreement provides for the construction of a three-thousand-kilometre pipeline from Kazakstan to the west of China.
The latest proposed land, known as Fairhill, is to the west of the A6 Paula Radcliffe Way.
By the end of that day, more than 600 East Germans had crossed over to the West.
In Shizuoka some 100 kilometers to the west, the latest quake measured 6.4 on the Richter scale.
Both plays, performed at London's Royal Court, are transferring to the West End in the new year.
Silcon Valley is bordered on one side by the Bay and rather rugged mountains to the west.
FORBES: Silicon Valley Is Stuck In An Uncanny Valley Of Density
She played Mrs Lovett in the Chichester Festival Theatre's production, which later transferred to the West End.
When the British colonised Aden, 880km (550 miles) to the west, they paid scant attention to Socotra.
Sensing the region is swinging its way, Hamas is dismissive of Mr Abbas's outreach to the West.