Like pasta in Italy, each community adds its own unique flavour to the world of hummus.
Mr. BRYANT: At least your team has gone to the World Series five or six times.
According to the World Tourism Organisation, there were about one billion international tourists in 2013 .
And in this electronic world, who needs the International Monetary Fund, the sister bureaucracy to the World Bank?
There are no reported cases outside the country, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Severe cases can lead to liver failure and death, according to the World Health Organization.
He just wants to provide an alternative to the world's diminishing reserve of fossil fuels.
The Russian Federation acceded to the World Trade Organization (WTO) on August 22, 2012.
As Mr Putin has said, Russia should present a smiling face to the world.
What should they know and how should they venture in to the world of mobile commerce?
FORBES: What You Need To Know About Your Mobile Device and How it's Changing the World
The man the Americans call Southpaw Joe C Wales has showcased Welsh sport to the world.
There has also been occasional human-to-human transmission, according to the World Health Organization.
FORBES: China H7N9 Bird Flu Cases Rise By Five; Four Provinces Report Illnesses In One Day
She listened to the world around her and articulated the vision everyone yearned to have.
It's home to the world's largest factories where many of today's most popular gadgets are made.
It isn't a straightforward matter to adapt the Internet to the world of direct sales.
Then there's China, which has climbed to the world's number two spot in oil consumption.
The U.S. should signal to the world that it is ready to resume leadership on trade.
The Madoff debacle made clear to the world that the SEC faced numerous systemic shortcomings.
FORBES: SEC Refuses to Fire Any Staff Involved with Madoff Debacle
The Libyan opposition and the Arab League appealed to the world to save lives in Libya.
Nevermind that low energy prices would be an incredible boon to the world economy.
FORBES: Leave It To The New York Times To Gin Up A Downside To The American Oil Boom
When it comes to the world's highest-paid female athletes, Wie has little competition in golf.
Just one step closer to the World being powered be the Sun Solar Energy.
Adversity has revealed the character of our country, to the world, and to ourselves.
Airport chief executive Charles Buchanan described the new venture as "a service to the world".
The message that needs to go out to the world is that terrorism failed.
Nobody likes to see complaints or negative comments broadcast to the world on social media.
FORBES: Should You Rethink What You're Doing on Social Media?
He can show off his muscular claws and craggy barnacle encrusted shell to the world.
But the biggest risk to America, and hence to the world economy, lies on Wall Street.
The president said the United States and its allies fought to bring peace to the world.
In late June 1942, Eisenhower arrived in London as a virtual unknown to the world.