William Hague and Michael Howard did just as well before they lost to Tony Blair.
Now it threatens to do the same to Tony Blair's plan to get Britain into the euro.
Baroness Scotland, a Home Officer minister at the time, sent a letter to Tony Blair, the Prime Minister.
Most telling in our interview though was his reaction to Tony Blair's prediction that this was "time out, not time over".
Ms Rebuck, who is married to Tony Blair's former polling guru Lord Gould, was appointed a CBE in the 2000 Honours List.
March 21st will also see Gospels campaigners invade Downing Street with a petition to Tony Blair pleading for the book's return north.
CBI's former director-general, likened it to Tony Blair's snub to the Trades Union Congress when he was elected leader of the Labour Party.
On Tuesday the ex-minister said he had made a contribution to Tony Blair's office "as far as I remember, through the Labour Party".
There may be some truth in both but talking to senior Tories about gay marriage reminds me of talking to Tony Blair about Iraq.
Mr Cardoso's government, in which Mr Serra was health minister, mixed liberalism and social democracy in similar quantities to Tony Blair's government in Britain.
Boris now takes on the role once played by Michael Heseltine to Margaret Thatcher, Michael Portillo to John Major or Gordon Brown to Tony Blair.
During his tenure, we've also seen a new embrace of Catholicism in the realm of politics, from Paul Ryan's nomination to Tony Blair's high-profile conversion.
No wonder the French press admiringly compares him to Tony Blair.
Celebrity campaigner Bianca Jagger on Tuesday said she could not understand to Tony Blair, who she said was a pro-European now backing a unilateralist American president.
Mr Campbell, a former Daily Mirror journalist and spin doctor to Tony Blair, said he was "genuinely shocked" to see his evidence in the public domain.
We're looking to Tony Blair, Gerhard Schroeder and Jacques Chirac in particular to send a clear message to their ministers here that they must conclude a deal.
In doing that, Mr Cameron has shown he has also listened to Tony Blair's declaration that he wished he had been more radical in his early days in power.
Susie Sanderson, chair of the BDA's executive committee, has written to Tony Blair challenging his assertion in parliament last week that the majority of dentists would come on board.
Mr Campbell was a key adviser to Tony Blair in opposition and was No 10 director of communications and strategy between 1997 and 2003 - when he stepped down from the role.
The then chairman of the FSA wrote to Tony Blair in 2005, when he was prime minister, to reassure him of just how light touch it was, particularly when compared with regulation of US banks.
Sir Michael Barber, a former adviser to Tony Blair, said that the gathering of this information was the "start of something significant" - providing a practical resource for policy makers wanting to learn from other countries.
Let's go back to Tony Blair's words, we can see them on the screen what he said in September 2002 he says, 'his dossier concludes Iraq has chemical and biological weapons, that Saddam has continued to produce them.
Twice winner of the education journalist of the year award, Mike Baker had covered the upheavals in schools and universities for the BBC from 1989 to 2007 - from the days of Margaret Thatcher through to Tony Blair.
Brosnan's character bears an uncanny resemblance to Tony Blair, the former British prime minister who faced a grilling at a public inquiry earlier this year over his controversial decision to send UK troops to Iraq in 2003.
So, while the initial furore will die down, damage will still have been done to the government and to Tony Blair who, after all, has not only presided over the battles, but been at the centre of at least two of them.
In truth, the blame lies with two brothers with two different views of Labour's future and with rival allegiances to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown - the men who used to say that they too were like brothers until they became embittered rivals.
For the Lib Dems, foreign affairs spokesman Edward Davey said the documents "confirm the widely held suspicions that leading officials and political advisers close to Tony Blair were deliberately tweaking the presentation of the intelligence to bolster the case for war on Iraq".
But by talking prematurely about tax cuts, Mr Duncan Smith is only giving ammunition to Tony Blair and confusing what should be his party's most important message: that the Conservatives' newfound decentralist approach is superior to the philosophically flawed command-and-control methods of the government.
William Hague, then leader of the Conservative Party, was keen to debate Tony Blair in 2001.