While nearly every hotel in town offers an iftar, the dishes tend to veer towards the traditional.
Yet one thing is not new: the tendency of investors to veer off into irrational exuberance.
Slader has chosen to veer away from the traditional non-profit course education start-ups tread.
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The psychologists showed that people take mental shortcuts that cause them to veer from rational behavior.
One engaged the sub in a game of chicken, only to veer off at the last minute.
Every page of Dickens contains a paragraph to warm to and a paragraph to veer back from.
Police suspect there was a problem with the vehicle's brakes, causing it to veer off its intended path.
Against this backdrop, the big thinkers about today's media revolution tend to veer towards extremes of optimism or pessimism.
Her daughter had only to step into traffic, to veer off the curb.
This means if you send the wrong signals, they are likely to veer off and take a pass on the opportunity.
As the City Hall demonstration threatened to veer out of control, a lanky man suddenly walked up to the women protesters.
The IMF argues further draconian budget cuts aren't achievable and will make Greece's economic program more likely to veer further off track.
He tends to veer off the path, introducing subjects with a charming quirkiness and dropping breadcrumbs of local knowledge along the way.
Here you expected the interview to veer off into the territory of childhood traumas and long-carried resentments, but it never really went there.
Still, for Mr. Newell, the changing winds in the scientific research shouldn't give Johns Hopkins the ability to veer away from his aunt's wishes.
Second, markets spend very little of the time at fair value (on Mr Reid's calculations), tending to veer wildly from one extreme to another.
Police suspect there was a problem with the vehicle's brakes, causing it to veer off the road and smash into rocks before bursting into flames.
This literally circumscribed their every move. (Though Armstrong describes how he managed to veer a little off-script to shoot some photos of rock formations.) But it worked.
Just as it begins to veer over the dotted line, the left side of my seat vibrates, activated by an infrared sensor looking at the road paint.
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Psychologists have found that one of the easiest ways to veer off the path to your goals is to craft them in a way that is so difficult you are likely to fail.
We will explore the effects of irrelevant information on our decisions (chapter 7), examine why subtle differences in the way a question is framed lead to different solutions (chapter 8), and discuss how the structure of our environment can cause us to veer off track (chapter 9).
The McLarens appeared to be faster than the Red Bulls, and Vettel decided to take a chance on the inside of Webber with 18 laps to go and appeared to veer right too early causing him to lose his rear right after it came in contact with the other car.
If I move my head a fraction to the left the drive elongates and the tops of the limes veer suddenly to the side, distorted by the imperfections of handmade glass.
If the Tories veer to the right or towards a visceral anti-Europeanism, they are likely to suffer the same fate as the Labour Party after it chose the left-wing Michael Foot as its leader in 1980.
Every time you try and push them straight ahead they veer off to the right-hand side.
Some plots misfire, and a few veer close to wishful thinking, but little of this matters, because the structure feels so confident.
In Russia's notoriously unstable business climate, however, the country could easily veer back to the type of confusion witnessed in mid-June at one small state-controlled oil firm, Rosneft.
Sound fiscal policies have won over many erstwhile conservatives (who never veer terribly far to the right in Canada anyway).
Mr. Cave is as known for his discretion as his taste, and ends conversations that go on too long about the New York he has known, or veer too close to high-profile figures, with both decisiveness and cheer.
WSJ: Edward Lee Cave's 18th-Century Connecticut Farm | House Tour