The process seems random and difficult to view as a methodical process of search.
It is adopting many features of full-service brokerages, such as Merrill Lynch and PaineWebber firms it used to view as inefficient dinosaurs.
You know seeing as those of us that make less than 20 grand a year actually have to spend everything we make to support ourselves and our families it works out quite well and is clearly less predatory than the banks that I am supposed to view as respectable.
Just as the best way to view equities is as the discounted value of future cashflows, the best way to view property is as the discounted value of future rents.
"It will be for Ms Crail in the first instance to review the matter as it stands, and to take a view as to the most appropriate process for taking things forward, " said a spokesperson for the council.
Men with children tend to view unemployment as more a defeat than women with children, Leahy said, perhaps because women might be more likely to view a lack of a job as a chance to spend more time with family.
DeROSE: Cooper says the goal of these campaigns is to help people stop thinking of Islam as a foreign faith and begin to view it as one among the many American religions.
The study carried out by the UK gaming industry found many parents thought their children were mature enough not to be influenced by the content of the games, and parents tended to view them as a guide to the content rather than a prohibition.
BBC: Campaigners say school bullies leave long-lasting scars
The two sides are finding common ground in some instances, as media companies have come to view Apple as a partner they have to work with to expand their digital businesses.
In fact, Finland actually denounced some of its neighbors to the west who appeared, in smugly signing up to the Ottawa ban, to view Finland as their landmine barrier to the east.
What if, instead of seeing them as interfering with our work, we were to view them as transformational leadership moments?
FORBES: Turn Annoying Interruptions Into Transforming Leadership Moments
As computers get cheaper, many owners have come to view them as little more than appliances like televisions, and are unconcerned about protecting them from hackers.
ECONOMIST: Forensic computing studies the anatomy of computer crime
Because it boots up in a few seconds, rather than thinking of the Acer as a mini laptop it might make more sense to view it as a beefed-up personal digital assistant, such as an old PalmPilot or Psion, but with a better screen and a proper keyboard.
"As a global company, we'd like people to view us as an open company, " he said.
She says summer-born children can be typecast as low achievers by their teachers and they can start to view themselves as such.
Rather than seeing junior staff as expendable drones, the Big Four's talent bosses want partners to view them as future assets.
To me it was a sign that investors continue to view stocks as offering attractive investment opportunities and were taking advantage of the sharp sell-off to buy them at favorable prices.
We are prone to view ourselves as fearless explorers in the New Digital World.
Monsanto failed to view weeds as a competitor that would react to their innovation.
FORBES: Survival Instinct: Businesses Must Watch Out For Mother Nature
We need to view employees as a source of steadily increasing value and not just overhead.
And I believe that, eventually, enough Republicans in Congress will come around to that view as well.
And we continue to view this as a very important matter that we need to act quickly on.
Rather, employees are taught not to expect gratuity, but to view it as a pleasant surprise, she says.
Thus it would be premature to view this as evidence of a newly rising trend in domestic burglary.
My plea today is to view it as the most significant act we could take to tackle the deficit.
If a company ever begins to view that as a primary focus, it is the beginning of the end.
That led him to view people as subject to collective emotional behavioral patterns.
But Mr Chidambaram seems to view this as a shortfall from the 9-10% growth to which India is entitled.
But she added her firm continued to view Spain as "a much stronger credit than other stressed eurozone countries".
If they come to view them as competition for CD sales and digital downloads, the music-streaming sites are in trouble.