Hit the power button and you'll have to wait for about three to four seconds for the display to pop on.
Leicester City Council has advised parents and carers to wait for further information about when their children should return, or whether alternative arrangements will be required.
Even if you're ready to order now, you'll still have to wait about two months for delivery.
We'll have to wait for clues to emerge about what or who caused all of this week's events to really know how to process them.
That means voters back home, desperate for concrete information about the overhaul, will have to wait longer for clarity.
Our prospective landlord objected to one of our firm stipulations, the right to sublet the space while we wait for our liquor license, just as we were about to sign the lease.
Mr. Piper, 38 years old, a director of sales operations at a major information technology firm, would grab a beer from the fridge, set up a conference call, kick back and wait for his colleagues to join in and talk about work or raise problems, he said.
With their increased powers, Britain's top judges should be removed from the House of Lords, and this change should not wait for the government to decide what next to do about the upper chamber.
And on the farm, British cattle ranchers wait for word from the government about what to do next.
CNN: France supports slaughter of British cattle if necessary
We know that if it ever happens again we can do something about it to help ourselves rather than wait for someone who may not turn up because they're too busy elsewhere.
It didn't make money for about two years, the time it took to get his local Afghan partner up to speed and wait for it to win contracts.
"I can't wait for the summer to come now so I can just forget about this stupid game!"
BBC: SPORT | Other Sport... | Snooker | Selby completes amazing comeback
When he won the general election, Mr Blair thought about this, but decided to wait and see for a year.
Satyam, the client, probably complained about extra fees and delays caused by having to wait for the U.S. every quarter and year-end.
FORBES: The Grand Illusion: PwC Settles Satyam U.S. Class Action Claims
Thanks for getting in touch and sorry to hear about the long wait you had at our store the other day!
FORBES: Tough Crowd: Smart Ways To Deal With Angry Customers Online
The idea behind the foc.us headset is to put it on your noggin, fire it up, and wait for around five to ten minutes, then take it off and go about your day.
As all of us anxiously wait for the week to go by, I wanted to take some time and talk about the importance of having a safe start to the Holiday Season.
The Chicago panelists were cautious about that result, saying the industry is volatile, and preferring to wait for future results.
But while we wait until the end of July for the last previously Red studio to go Blu brining just about all of Hollywood together behind one format -- Fox, Warner, and MGM open the classics flood gates with some very famous titles like the Dirty Harry franchise and Patton.
And as they wait for the bomb squad, Marine Sergeant Kyle Gybe(ph) has time to talk about his job.
The average wait time is about an hour, but for shows like Once, plan on arriving three to four hours in advance.
Don't wanna wait for Sony to complete their teaser campaign to peep that Vaio they're trying to generate some buzz about?
Plenty of chat beforehand about the Aussie scrum and I personally can't wait to see the sides pack down for the time this afternoon.
If the impetus for software patents came from the Supreme Court in 1981, why did Oracle wait until 1994 to start complaining about it?
FORBES: The Federal Circuit, Not the Supreme Court, Legalized Software Patents
"The first thing we are going to do is waive the fee for disposing of dead animals and then we need to wait a few weeks until we get a full picture about the disaster which has struck us, " he continued.