Not too late to file, but too late to wash away the cumulative impression.
Afterward you bathe in the icy water to wash away one's sins.
We shed our tears, which helped us to wash away our disappointment.
Crews were trying to make the scene safe Wednesday night, using fire hoses to wash away loose dirt before it falls on searchers, Zaccard said.
The announcement also appeared to wash away any fears following IndyMac Bancorp having been swept up by federal banking regulators Friday evening for the third largest banking failure in U.S. history.
Aaron Neville - who, like Connick Jr and Marsalis, is from New Orleans - performed Randy Newman's Louisiana 1927 with the chorus "they're trying to wash us away, they're trying to wash us away".
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Rap star attacks Bush at benefit
The announcement also appeared to wash away any fears following IndyMac Bancorp (nyse: IMBPR - news - people ) having been swept up by federal banking regulators Friday evening for the third largest banking failure in U.S. history.
That flood, ironically, spurred the creation of the Corps of Engineers, empowering them to create systems to guard against further calamities -- and giving them the authority to let waters flow from some levees to wash away some areas in order to spare others.
Up to 70m Hindus are expected to come to this city in eastern Uttar Pradesh to wash away their sins at one of the four spots where drops of the elixir of immortality fell from a pitcher as gods fought with demons to possess it.
It usually began with standing water: a tide pool or pond or salty shallow, wet enough to breed bacteria but not so wet as to wash them away.
They would thus stick like limpet mines to clots, before being burst by an ultrasonic beam to wash the clots away.
He loves this place, probably more now than he did back in 2005, before Hurricane Katrina tried to wash it all away.
The children built a castle, of course, but castle-building is rather poor fun when you have no hope of the swishing tide ever coming in to fill up the moat and wash away the drawbridge, and, at the happy last, to wet everybody up to the waist at least.
Having the Super Bowl at the Superdome calls to mind how the Saints' victory helped "wash away whatever negative emotions people were holding onto from the impact of Katrina and the levee breaks, " says Early.
Ultimately, if Snyder is able to win a championship, a lot of that hatred will wash away.
If they are problems, then send the smokers outside to a spot far away from where the patients come in and out, or have them wash their hands and faces, which everyone ought be doing anyway, and only give them the same breaks from work that everyone else gets.
Often, when a wash sale loss is triggered, it goes away when the trader sells replacement positions at a large enough gain to absorb the deferred wash sale losses.