Eighty-six percent said it took just three days for the holiday glow to wear off.
And it comes just as the effects of Mr Bush's (official) tax cuts start to wear off.
As more 3-D films hit theaters, the glow is likely to wear off.
The researchers found that the impact of the drugs was less likely to wear off among the Mirapex patients.
Just getting to the point where we would indeed expect the simple handling of a phone to wear off that dyed layer.
At this point there is not clear way to reverse the effects of Xarelto except to wait for it to wear off.
The initial subscription is an easy sale because it gets bundled into the purchase, but the shimmer appears to wear off and consumers do not seem to be motivated to carry the service beyond an initial term.
"They are beginning to wear clothes you could wear off the course too, " he said.
It has been suggested as part of the review that soldiers may be encouraged to wear their uniforms off-duty to boost their popularity.
Kim Kline, a singer-songwriter who has taken the class, said she owns several pairs of shoes that are "gorgeous fashion statements, " but is reluctant to wear them because she feels off-balance.
Most economists expect growth to pick up next year as the bad effects of fiscal tightening wear off and the good ones from deregulation start to emerge.
One role model: David Beckham, the tough soccer player who isn't afraid to wear sarongs and nail polish (off the field).
The way to wear color is to play it off of neutrals so that the vibrancy can stand-out without looking too techno-driven.
FORBES: The Capitalist Touch: Herm��s Looks To Vibrant Color And High-Performance
We expect the average bond yield to continue rising as the effects of the 1997 to 2001 strong-dollar deflation gradually wear off.
However, I have two children with ADHD, and I failed to see the benefit of a drug that would wear off right at suppertime, rather than a few hours before or a few hours after.
"Everything is very substantial, so you really make a statement when you wear a piece, " explains Hollywood stylist Petra Flannery, who is as likely to finish off one of her A-list young actors' outfits with a Pomellato flourish as she is to wear her own weighty gold band she bought in Rome in her early twenties.
Benefits of the procedure wear off in most diabetes patients within three to five years, largely because the donor islets can become damaged during transplantation.
Unlike 3-D movies and TV, the gaming system does not require users to wear special glasses to see pictures that appear to leap off the screen.
For those determined to take hygiene to a ridiculous level, Travel Feet are plastic feet covers that you can wear in airports when you have to take your shoes off for security.
But the scare did remind sailors why, for the first time in Cup history, they are required to wear crash helmets, which provide protection if they are thrown off one end of the ship and encounter the ship's masts and hull on the way down.
Kaepernick has some existing off-field relationships, including a deal with Nike to wear product on the field.
Nonetheless, two years ago Denton, who is forty-four, set up a permanent base for the operation in a large loft in Nolita, which he increasingly shows off, as if to demonstrate that his bloggers do not wear pajamas all day long.
Shutting off and on several times a day is a good way to quickly wear out your machine --and considering the nasty, ecologically unfriendly PC manufacturing process, the green thing to do is keep the one you have as long as possible.
Now, if the pheasant seems particularly aggressive, Ms Hudson is forced to wear gloves or carry a badminton racket around with her when going outside, to fend off his attacks.
Showing off curves has become more acceptable, but women still need to be mindful not to wear overly tight clothing to the office.
While the novelty will wear off quickly for some, some quest chains are based on puzzles that may require players to find the solution outside of the game.