For example, Type-U will offer web-streamed fitness programming for people who prefer to work out at home or struggle to get to the gym.
The training system, often called combat or battling rope, was first developed for combat sports such as mixed martial arts, as a means to work out at a higher level of intensity.
WSJ: What's Your Workout: From a Ball and Basket to a Stick and Some Ice
If the moon harbours ice, for example, measuring the amount of it at different depths could enable planetary scientists to work out the rate at which comets smashed into the lunar surface over its history, and that knowledge could then be plugged into models of the formation of the solar system.
Investigators are still trying to work out who else at Mr Madoff's firm might have had a hand in the affair.
The jury on the involvement of private welfare-to-work companies is out at the moment.
Black men are twice as likely to be out of work at all skill levels (and, most worrying, the second generation is faring just as badly as the first).
There is an inherent contradiction in the arguments of the advocates of ENDA, who contend that what they do in private has nothing to do with their work, but then also argue for the right to be "out of the closet" while at work.
If anecdotal evidence is worth anything, my most productive hours are from 8pm to midnight, while my husband bounds out of bed at 6am, ready to crank out his best work.
The signalling work had to be carried out at Proof House junction near Moor Street Station in Birmingham.
Sometimes they have to work out whether a rule exists at all, and what it means if it does.
The pattern of those distortions cannot be used to predict earthquakes, but it can be used to work out which areas are most at risk from them.
We have always said that the best way to work out these issues is sitting at that table and negotiating them through, and that's what the focus will be on.
Yet, the performance of some of these pension schemes has prompted a concerning forecast for those who are just starting out at work, but would hope to retire at a similar age to their parents.
The challenge here is to not necessarily replace each position individually, but rather to look holistically at the work to be done, figure out the best way to match it with the skills of the remaining team members, and then see what gaps are left.
Liz Moyer (a former Forbes Wall Street writer who now hangs her hat at the WSJ) reports that the Securities and Exchange Commission, perhaps tired of playing second fiddle to the Department of Justice in routing out crime in the financial industry, has introduced something new on their Web site: a bit of branding to showcase their work at routing out insider trading (right).
And he believes -- the President believes, the Secretary of Education believes that the best way to deal with this is for people to address these problems by sitting down at the table to collaborate and work out a solution.
They need to take a long, hard look at themselves and work out where they are going to get some new players from.
"Right before finals, we have to study at work because we are running out of time, " says Sachin Wadhawan, a director of solutions engineering at Convio, about himself and his classmates in the McCombs School of Business E.
WSJ: More Small-Company Employees Enroll in Executive MBA Programs
And anyway, there's always fun to be had laughing at the bus conductors as they try to work out how much their 750, 000 Zimbabwe dollar notes add up to, and how much change they owe the passengers.
To start a direct contact action plan, Wendleton says, you should make a list of companies where you would want to work, figure out who heads the division you want to target at each, and get in touch.
Until recently, Johnson appeared to have enough support to at least see if the latter effort would work out.
FORBES: Did J.C. Penney Pick The Exact Wrong Time To Fire Ron Johnson?
It took me ages to work it out but it was always at about 3pm to 4 pm California time.
He has come up with an idea to share out the work that is available at the town hall: a jobs lottery.
In fact, during this recession, a high school dropout has been more than three times as likely to be out of work as someone with at least a college degree.
Much of the work is expected to be carried out at night, with a so-called factory train laying a mile of new track and cables every night once construction is underway.
John Gruber has a pretty good guess (I think) that perhaps Scott was well-protected when Steve Jobs, the guy who hired him out of Stanford to work at NeXT and mentored him, was around.
Fair enough, but such is Mr MacCulloch's preference for the heretical over the orthodox that a reader who relied on him alone might struggle at times to work out what the mainstream Christian view was, despite learning lots about those who were against it.
The Louisiana Oil Spill Recovery Act, passed in 2003, also requires the state to compile an accounting of the damages it wants from a company and then attend at least three mediation sessions to work out a settlement.
He was also ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work at the hearing at Birmingham Crown Court.
He's surfaced at Arizona State to work out with his former team.