Carolina Group , the spunoff unit of Loews Corp. that produces Lorillard tobacco products.
And Star Scientific beat industry giant RJR to market with its own low-nitrosamine tobacco.
Note the brass cigar holders for Parliamentary deputies on the window-ledge, from a more tobacco-friendly age.
That designation is issued by the Federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.
The WHO notions range from taxes on Internet use, to financial transactions to alcohol, tobacco and weapons.
The high temperature suppresses the conversion of nitrates into the more toxic nitrites, which ultimately yield tobacco-specific nitrosamines.
We have already learned a lot from regulating other substances, such as alcohol and tobacco.
The Knitting Circle is currently touring English theatres, closing in Bristol's Tobacco Factory on 20 May.
The deal turned the big tobacco companies into a cartel and locked in their market shares.
In half of Tuolumne households, he learned, at least one person consumes some type of tobacco.
New York law prohibits the sale of tobacco products to anyone under age 18.
You're dealing with the tobacco harvest right now, which is important to southern Lebanon.
It said all logos of tobacco products would have to be masked or cut out.
There are few certitudes in life that transcend the assurance of rising taxes on tobacco.
Maybe that's because the states are already reaping a bonanza from the tobacco outfits.
Ask Adelman, a denizen of liberal Manhattan, about the morality of tobacco and he shrugs.
Tobacco taxes are justified this way: Tobacco causes health problems, which we all pay for.
At age 18, he is a tobacco farmer, just like his father, grandfather and great grandfather.
Don't ask the sociologists, the demographers, the advertising agencies, and certainly not the tobacco companies.
"My dad once stated, 'Tobacco is what we live on, '" Falwell explained at the hearing.
That's because any more strolls down tobacco road are likely to lead to a dead end.
In return, the states, in effect, were protecting the big tobacco companies from competition.
And it complains about high American tariffs on its exports of sugar, textiles, tobacco and ethanol.
Many have teeth stained from cigarettes they smoke and tobacco they chew to relieve the tedium.
Half of all long-term smokers will die from tobacco-related illness, which causes 100, 000 deaths a year.
Both Philip Morris and Imperial Tobacco could face antitrust issues if they did the deal.
Yields topped 10% on long-term tobacco debt that originally carried coupons of 4.5% to 9%.
The limited recourse and peculiar structure of the tobacco bonds are where the trouble starts.
"Our local economy was centered on tobacco and textiles, " says Danville Mayor Wayne Williams.
Tobacco has since lost some of its strongest advocates, including Helms, who died last summer.