The government has also favored rate cuts, but the RBI hasn't always toed the line.
"Once Kia announced they were opening we've sold mostly steel-toed shoes for construction workers, " he said.
Jeptoo said in an interview Tuesday that she felt good as she toed the starting line Monday.
Fanny Mann tottered off to her room, returning with a pair of open-toed red heels for Constance.
Results showed Axford was often ineffective early in the season when he toed only the edge of the rubber.
It's a black and white image in which she strikes a pigeon-toed pose with her hands covering her girl parts.
Mitt Romney, a Mormon, was a competent and articulate Republican who toed the party line on all its big issues.
Round-toed ballet pumps, by the way, don't enter the new flat equation.
Of course, despite being a professional athlete, he might be pigeon-toed - can't walk past a pub without his feet turning in.
Today, she's wearing a shabby blue skirt and old, dirty open-toed shoes.
Schweitzer wore jeans frayed at the bottom, working cowboy boots (not the pointy-toed drugstore cowboy kind), a dress shirt, bolo tie and blazer.
Traditionally, the system has been that a company's main bank (usually one of its largest shareholders) made sure that it toed the line.
Visitors to an offshore drilling rig or production platform receive safety training and are outfitted with steel-toed boots, safety goggles, gloves, hearing protection, and a helmet.
FORBES: Oil & Gas Isn't Just One Of The Richest Industries, It's Also One Of The Safest
Previous governments have tip-toed close to the nuclear threshold, but pulled back for fear of the high price India would pay for breaking the nuclear taboo.
Offices tend to set more boundaries and enforce a strict dress code with several no-no items including open-toed shoes, super short skirts, plunging necklines, and torn pants.
Just five minutes later the turnaround was complete when Arshavin toed the ball through to Bendtner, who slotted into the left corner from close range just before half-time.
"He has really toed the line in terms of both diet and exercise, " Schwartz said, adding that he told Clinton he could be back in the office Monday.
CNN: Bill Clinton, fresh out of hospital, eager to go back to work
Haggle over curly-toed Aladdin slippers, colourful textiles and cheap souvenirs then wander down Hindi Lane - a narrow, crowded alleyway lined with garlands of marigolds and Hindu religious paraphernalia.
The Scottish midfielder tip-toed around three defenders and curled in a delightful ball to the back post for the unmarked Ridgewell to bundle the ball in with his thigh.
The PMDB's barons were already displeased with what they regarded as a meagre clutch of ministries and other important jobs in Ms Rousseff's government, but had hitherto toed the line.
Thumpety-thumpety, pump-pump-pump, it's the sound of Prada squared-toed shoes.
Major League Baseball's all-time leader in batting average (.366), Cobb was nicknamed the Georgia Peach and renowned for competing with such ferocity that he toed the line between fair and dirty play.
While he crusades to hold Wall Street to the highest standards, the evidence suggests Spitzer has toed the gray lines that separate truth from hypocrisy and divide the honest from the unethical.
Mostly men in their 40s, decked out in the black leather, dark sunglasses and pompadours of American 1950s greasers, they blast Japanese rockabilly tunes from a boombox and dance coolly in pointy-toed shoes.
They want us to grow our own food, kill our cars, stop traveling, eat tofu instead of meat and wear open toed hemp sandals whilst standing in the rain for a bus that never comes.
FORBES: How Much Energy Do Apple's Data Centers Get From Coal? [UPDATED]
Players before Robinson had been ferocious on the base paths Ty Cobb, in particular and later players, like Maury Wills and Rickey Henderson, ran faster than Robinson, who had a pigeon-toed stride, his arms and shoulders churning the air.
He has covered shoes in gold studs (a recent boot brought to mind an abacus), dotted them with googly eyes (he got the idea from a greeting card), and topped them with plumes (a pointy-toed stiletto looks as if it had tussled with Tweety Bird).
At Corcovado you can find tapirs, jaguars, pumas, anteaters, two-toed and three-toed sloths, golden orb spiders, moon crabs, a diversification of monkeys (including all four types of Costa Rican monkeys, found only in Corcovado), crocodiles, poison dart frogs, pelicans, 220 species of butterflies, scarlet macaws and even the rare and venomous fer-de-lance snake.
When my family and I toed our way through the Boundary Waters of the northern reaches of Minnesota, my brother and I found a stand of pitcher plants growing out of a moldering mat of reeds and moss, and because of this book, I had the theory of ecological succession right in the front of my brain.
Mr. RON POLLACK (Executive Director, Families USA): I think that anybody who knows the story of Billy Tauzin's leadership in the House of Representatives on the Medicare legislation and how it really toed the line of the pharmaceutical industry to their tremendous benefit and then not too long thereafter he becomes president of PhRMA, I think people will feel that this is inappropriate.