And there was an appeal for an understanding for toleration of different kinds of religious experience.
For financial fraud to become widespread, you need toleration on the part of legislators and regulators.
First, better toleration of niacin would greatly expand the number of people who could benefit from this drug.
He became the leading defender of religious toleration in England and was imprisoned six times for speaking out.
FORBES: The Cato Institute Controversy: Why Should Anyone Care What Libertarians Think?
Religious toleration rightly requires that you must let your neighbour practise his religion without fear of persecution or reprisal.
Mr. Loconte, a professor of history at The Kings College, is writing a book on the history of religious toleration.
WSJ: Joseph Loconte: The Easter Message of Religious Freedom
The example of Holland proved that a toleration of sects dissenting from the established sect was safe, and even useful.
Just as baffling to Americans is Europeans' toleration of high taxes, fussy regulation and indulgent state help for idlers and unfortunates.
Toleration of something certainly does not automatically translate into advocating its legalization.
Kommersant (a liberal daily newspaper) says it will be a stimulus for modernising football facilities in a culture characterised by toleration of match fixing.
Put another way, he seems to assume that toleration demands assimilation.
Though the need for toleration is perfectly general, because of America's divided history and his own family background, Mr Rawls felt its demands with unusual acuity.
Yet there is another aspect to the Easter story that should be as important to the skeptic as it is to the believer: its message of religious toleration.
WSJ: Joseph Loconte: The Easter Message of Religious Freedom
Christian thinkers such as William Penn, Roger Williams and John Locke would help the church recover its older tradition of toleration, as old as the New Testament itself.
WSJ: Joseph Loconte: The Easter Message of Religious Freedom
Of course, the British government is not the only one pursuing a combined policy of QE, unstated currency devaluation, the suppression of market forces in the bond market and tacit toleration of high inflation.
Pennsylvania was founded on principles of religious toleration.
FORBES: Pennsylvania Court Denies Property Tax Exemption To Another Religious Camp
But there is also a prevalent attitude call it religious correctness with which genuine toleration is easily confused: a polite and well-meaning reluctance to engage believers in the sort of robust clash of ideas that might discomfit them.
But it is at least arguable, as Mr Mandelson's counterparts on mainland Europe keep saying, that American dynamism requires an American toleration of the social dislocations that new technologies and new patterns of work bring in their wake.