• This kind of toned-down spending may grow more pronounced among many of the world's billionaires.

    FORBES: About Azim Premji

  • Insiders say a toned-down version of "The Walking Dead" could have worked for broadcast (and some say Revolution is just that).

    CNN: What 'The Walking Dead' can teach broadcast TV

  • Sounding like a toned-down Sufjan Stevens or an even more toned-down Arcade Fire Seabear's quiet execution gives its music a breezy quality.

    NPR: Seabear: Iceland's Orderly Orchestra

  • But ultimately, what we need is a reasonable, responsible, and initially, probably, somewhat quiet and toned-down conversation about, all right, where can we compromise and get something done.

    WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference on the 2012 Budget

  • Largely overlooked during the otherwise Idol-focused panel was a fall schedule that focuses on stability and familiarity--a toned-down theme for a network long known for wacky characters and edgy fare.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Mr. DAN BLUMENTHAL (American Enterprise Institute): I think that what happens when you get a lot of high-level policy people with their hands in it, you're going to get a more toned-down report.

    NPR: U.S. Notes Growing Chinese Military Strength

  • It is a toned-down version of the "treatment" that President Lyndon Johnson successfully applied on lawmakers, with Bush attempting to cajole his opponents in instances where LBJ would have intimidated them.

    CNN: Sticking with what works best: Gore, Bush offer contrasting leadership styles

  • "Male artists are much more pushy and power-related, " says Eva Presenhuber, a Zurich-based dealer who noted she recently threw a toned-down party for the artist Karen Kilimnik because the artist doesn't like to promote herself with splashy events.

    WSJ: In the Art World, Women on the Verge

  • Many want Nato's future to be - perhaps not dim - but toned down into a defensive alliance, rather than a bright force in the world, lighting up the night sky over the Middle East.

    BBC: Robert Gates on Nato's dim future

  • Like we suspected, that astronomical name is attached to the conspicuously grounded Jasper: as long as the listing is accurate, we're looking at a 1.2GHz dual-core processor (toned down from the 1.5GHz rumor), a 4-inch, 800 x 480 display, a so-so 3.2-megapixel back camera and a 1.3-megapixel shooter at the front.

    ENGADGET: Samsung Galaxy Stellar gets premature outing at Best Buy

  • Sheen, 47, who has largely toned down his hard-partying ways, will become a grandfather this year.


  • Well, you know, in the last days of the campaign, Mr. Sarkozy, kind of, toned down his so-called Anglo-Saxon rhetoric, and came back more to the center.

    NPR: Large Turnout Sets Up France's Left-Right Runoff

  • An analysis in The Jakarta Post doubts the prospect being bandied about that China - which in recent weeks has toned down its ire as the reality that the PLA is incapable of invading Taiwan has emerged - could or would take even an outlying island like Quemoy or Matsu.

    CNN: A Dream Deferred

  • There is now widespread expectation that Sarbanes-Oxley will be toned down next year (in light of this, Mr Balls' remarks look somewhat more opportunistic than confrontational).

    ECONOMIST: Reaction to Sarbanes-Oxley

  • They restated their existing stance, but what is new - that they did actually toned down their rhetoric.

    NPR: Republicans Reach Out to Latinos in Univision Debate

  • It would help France to climb down from its own strident position on Iraq if the Americans toned down their own strident anti-French rhetoric.

    ECONOMIST: How France could improve its foreign policy

  • Anti-government rhetoric is being toned down.

    ECONOMIST: Out of the dark, Republican glimmers

  • An analyst on Saudi-owned Al Arabiya channel observed Ahmadinejad had toned down his adversarial rhetoric towards the West and showed signs of openness.

    CNN: Analysis: Empty seats, silence speaks for protesters

  • The 53-year-old chief executive recently spoke with The Wall Street Journal about the changing domain-name landscape and why the company has toned down its racy marketing.

    WSJ: Boss Talk: GoDaddy Gets Ready for New Domains

  • Diplomats and heads of state bed down surrounded by antiques, jewel-toned silk walls, crystal chandeliers and marble bathrooms at the 138-room Hotel Imperial Vienna, which was built as the residence of the Prince of Wurttemberg, a European aristocrat, in 1863.

    BBC: Business trip: Vienna

  • Though the BJP has toned down its Hindu nationalist rhetoric over the years, its 80-page manifesto is still thick with appeals to Hindu voters.


  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his United Nations address toned down the rhetoric from the recent past and suggested the post-war institutions are not benefiting all citizens.

    CNN: Analysis: Why Iran is caught in currency crisis

  • This editor found the treble to be much to bright for his tastes -- especially with rock and pop tracks, it became quite jarring unless we toned it down with Google Music's EQ.

    ENGADGET: Ears-on with Klipsch's latest intra-aural headphone lineup: Image S4 (II) series, X7i

  • Before the holidays, there had been an ESPN mea culpa-ish in which the company president said that the network probably should have toned it down on meaningless nonsense like the Tebow watch, and these comments were interpreted as a kind of urgent call for sports sanity.

    WSJ: Jason Gay: Tattoos and Consequences

  • Parents may be reassured that Seth Rogen has toned down his superbad language considerably, but "Drillbit Taylor" still merits a PG-13 for "strong bullying, " which is putting it mildly.

    CNN: Review: 'Drillbit' surprisingly dulled

  • They seemed to have stepped out of a Mickey Spillane novel as much as indie-rock, but on records they made after their respective bands dissolved, both men toned down both their pose and their music.

    NPR: 'Idle Hands' and the Hammer of the Gods

  • Cuba won approval for an anti-terrorism resolution condemning the pardons, though the language of the resolution is likely to be toned down.

    BBC: NEWS | Americas | Cuba and Panama call summit truce

  • Scheffler, of course, created the image for the much loved Gruffalo - although he admitted his first sketches were deemed so fearsome by the publishing company, they were toned down, and even hidden behind a bush in early American publications.

    BBC: Future of Edinburgh's festivals brought to book

  • Some days, the menu is a kooky graphic collage, and until recently the bathroom was a neon-fluorescent hall of triangular mirrors. (Perhaps in response to quizzical attention, it has been toned down.) Geometric forms abound, the furniture looks vaguely Scandinavian woodsy yet sleek and the over-all feeling is that of a hippie ski cabin.


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