Surprised Mumford and Sons took home the album of the year prize for Babel.
He then took a sales job at IBM, envisioning he would someday run the place.
This is a tactic that the company took to extremes while under Warner's control.
Rivals took the easier road and simply traded theirs in to dealers for new models.
After the speech, the president took questions from an audience that contained many foreign policy experts.
The funeral service with full military honours took place at St Giles Church, Wrexham.
BBC: Jamie Shadrake: Wrexham funeral for Afghanistan soldier
Then he noted that Shkreli was a hedge fund manager before he took over Turing.
CNN: Donald Trump to unveil his tax plan next week -
He took antidepressants, but had his prescriptions filled at a pharmacy 20 miles away.
It took a worker smelling crude oil on the ground before it was noticed.
None more so than Yasar Buyukanit, who took over from General Ozkok last year.
Maybe you took a few hundred quick strides through an airport concourse to catch a plane.
In the late 1970s aggressive poaching took the rhino to the brink of extinction.
Everything else took a beating, thanks to a nasty mix of weak demand and price cuts.
The much altered, barnlike interior is where Catherine took her vows and allegedly performed miracles.
That time he took a 19% hit as losses on calls swamped the premiums collected.
The Reds dominated the early exchanges and took a 10th-minute lead through Maxi Rodriguez's deflected volley.
Gurgaon was deserted when K.P. first took me there to see it 25 years ago.
So, when WPSX took the plunge into SFNs, it opted for option two, distributed transmission.
From their cottage homestay I took in the imposing mountains I was about to cross.
BBC: The way of the shepherd: Horse trekking through Kyrgyzstan
In a reversal of history, Wall Street took its cue from Sand Hill Road.
But even with those standout successes, another decade passed before craft brewing really took off.
Either way, the saplings took root and flourished, and eventually grew into a cathedral grove.
The assailants took her baggage, including her U.S. and Iranian passports, the center said.
Collins had written in the article that he took "the teachings of Jesus seriously".
It took all my energy simply to lift my mosquito net and crawl into its cocoon.
But they crumbled after the break as the Kiwis took control of the game.
Every time I see the medal now, I see the village it took to earn it.
As one of his first hires, Power took a poacher on as a guide.
However, it was young, valiant San Franciscan engineer, William Hammond Hall, who took on the 20-year project.
The study, which involved 750 patients from 19 centres across the UK, took seven years to complete.