This top-down approach was always misguided, but it is absurdly out of place given the speed at which innovation happens today.
She adopted a top-down approach to reform that turned off would-be allies.
Using a top-down approach, they might develop a basic forecast of the economy followed by an assessment of which industries hold the most promise.
London has approached the problem with more of a top-down approach.
It was nice to hear that so many organizations have programs and a top-down approach that helps with employee retention and well-being as well as personal and professional growth.
This is in turn reflected in a top-down approach by school reformers like Michelle Rhee and Joel Klein that leaves teachers, parents, and local communities out of the decision-making process.
The top-down approach entails essential public outreach for transformation.
CNN: After the bailout, Spain needs to rise to the challenge
Berlin has announced its own, much more modest, version of London's Tech City Investment Organization, marking a policy change for the city which to date had shunned the top-down approach that London embraced.
What we have in Detroit is an Emergency Manager appointed by the previous governor who was facing a challenge from the School District which was frustrated by his top-down approach to school reform.
Instead of a top-down approach which families could find "faceless, disjointed and unhelpful", he wanted to "empower" families to sort out their own problems by providing them with a single person to deal with.
When it comes to the modern education reform movement, I am much more concerned with the testing regime and the top-down approach of many school reformers than I am with the idea of school choice.
Another MMO that takes a similar top-down style approach is Lineage Eternal.
The chapter discusses both the bottom-up environmental movement in the West and the top-down governmental approach in China and presents a case for mutual learning and collaboration.
But shadow Home Office minister Andrew Rosindell argued that Labour's "top-down, target-centric approach" to tackling the problem had "quite obviously failed".
Spain and other distressed parts of the Eurozone require a two-pronged top-down and bottom-up approach which will assist in implementation of reform.
CNN: After the bailout, Spain needs to rise to the challenge
And it explains the world's top-down, command-and-control approach to environmental policymaking.
ECONOMIST: Environmental economics: Rescuing environmentalism | The
While these points are all important for your business to succeed, many leaders will often neglect these key factors (in particular their employees) by taking a more top-down, rather than bottom-up approach.
FORBES: Ask Your Employees What They Need Before Your Business Begins to Fail
Big Data, while ripe with potential to be mined for insights, needs a different, more dynamic approach to realizing its possibilities than the top-down, root-cause analysis of traditional business intelligence.
FORBES: Big Data, Big Payoff: Delivering Moneyball Results To Business
Instead, investors should take a more holistic approach, mixing bottom-up insights with top-down analysis.
Generally, I prefer a primarily bottom-up approach with a healthy amount of deference to the top-down, regardless of market cap, and I think such a combination works especially well for penny stocks.
Using a bottom-up approach to his research, as opposed to Mr McCullough's top-down method of looking at the project through a geopolitical prism, Mr Parker has written the Panama story for a new generation.
The approach of Klein and others in New York has been too heavy-handed and top-down for my taste, but in many respects the unions own a good deal of the blame.