He says that Pfizer's top brass "see the potential" of the new anti-cancer drugs.
Several hourly workers say the top brass heeds their suggestions faster than previous management did.
Let their top brass have a smaller bonus instead, and put their customers first for once.
BBC: News - Clydesdale and Yorkshire mortgage error: Your stories
Industry leaders fingered directly in the suit include top brass from Netscape Communications Corp.
CNN: U.S. counties lodge class-action suit over Internet taxation
Back home, however, his top brass showed that they take the threat more seriously.
ECONOMIST: Iran��s presidential and nuclear future is in doubt
Neither is the fact that GE's top brass have signed off on its quarterly financials.
The firm's boss, Nelson Fairbanks, took his top brass into the courtroom, where they jointly apologised.
ESPPs are broad-based plans offered to virtually all employees, not a perk just for the top brass.
Brown is axing top brass, firing thousands in the rank-and-file and shaking loose years of sclerotic bureaucracy.
In short, Congress will tolerate no more Enron situations, where the top brass took the money and ran.
Or at least, that's a reasonable conclusion based on the millions some companies spend protecting their top brass.
But the top brass in Brussels seem to be short of an alternative, which is creating fear among investors.
It seemed to have taken Nike's top brass some time to realize the evidence was too strong to ignore.
Top brass in Brussels, or Paris, can talk as much as they like.
Some claim this is a sign that Turkey's top brass are being tamed.
The Democrats' top brass blame the party's failings on Republican obduracy and trickery.
ECONOMIST: And not about to rush to the polls in November, either
At GitHub, a small cadre of top brass handles companywide issues and external communications but doesn't give orders to workers.
America's top brass now openly admits that, if it had a choice, it would move troops from Iraq to Afghanistan.
Many big organisations are starting to limit the number of boards that their top brass can sit on as non-executives.
Mr Morsi has shown further fealty by assiduously attending military ceremonies and inviting the top brass to a fast-breaking Ramadan dinner.
Shortly after his noncompete agreement expired with Interpublic Group, the ad holding company, he approached top brass at Tesco in late 2005.
The democratic majority in Congress won't be official until January, but the party's top brass is already writing its legislative wish list.
Developing for the system will be open, a fact that let Google's top brass take several shots at Apple's iPad and iPhone.
Just as in Warwickshire, the county's current Conservative leaders have parted company with their Westminster top brass by coming out against it.
However, the notable absence of U.S. business and Air Force top brass is still one of the hottest topics at Le Bourget.
Most worry that the dangers posed by lawsuits against a firm's top brass outweigh the profits they could earn from higher premiums.
Local television has shown them nervously swiping at golf balls and singing quavering karaoke under the watchful gaze of the top brass.
Within a year, almost all of Schering's top brass had been replaced with Hassan's own managers, including many he'd worked with at Pharmacia.
Obama also met with his economic team and top brass from the Pentagon. iReport.com: What do you think Obama should do first?
Now Estrada is trying to demilitarize the government, but when he began the clean-up top brass floated the coup rumors and made him seem weak.