Eight of its top managers are McCaw alumni (lawyers and engineers--the sales folks stayed away).
His top managers agreed when he asked them to roll out the healthier cuisine.
Chairman Lawrence Bossidy summons 150 of his top managers to the company's Morristown, N.
Top managers are axed within months of definitively bad results (though lame boards linger longer).
Such conglomerates, he suggests, provide top managers with a choice of where to put their efforts.
Also, many top managers, including the chief executive and financial director, were temporary appointments.
The only justice would be towards Arcelor's top managers, who would certainly lose their jobs.
Even if MCI sold out at a premium, Pavlo wasn't going to get rich like top managers.
He then convened a meeting with all the top managers in 2005 to collaboratively develop a strategy.
FORBES: Flourish As An Influential Leader - Think Like A Negotiator
All transactions in corporate securities by top managers and directors should be disclosed within two business days.
Very few top managers have intimate knowledge of Siemens's sprawling businesses, ranging from medical equipment to trains.
Chairman Lawrence Bossidy summons 150 of his top managers to the company's New Jersey headquarters for a review.
His approach includes score cards that will rate top managers across the New York company in five categories.
There, top managers also owned 14% of the equity on average, but other employees held a mere 2%.
ECONOMIST: At the heart of capitalism's troubles lies executive pay
The main argument is that globalisation has widened the gap in earnings between top managers and other workers.
At eBay, for example, top managers explain what they did right, wrong, and very wrong, all in public forums.
But now he himself, to put the wind up his top managers, has raised the spectre of a takeover.
The following afternoon, I visited the top managers of Doctors Hospital at Renaissance.
Following two years in bankruptcy court, most of the top managers had bolted, and the equipment had been neglected.
The top managers act with self-confidence and little visible fear, anger, or arrogance.
FORBES: Four Ways to Increase the Urgency Needed for Change -- Part II
Two-fifths of employees, according to a 2010 study by BVA, a polling firm, actively dislike their firm's top managers.
The head of Google UK and top managers from Starbucks and Amazon appeared before the Public Accounts Committee.
BBC: Starbucks, Google and Amazon grilled over tax avoidance
He thereby caused the resignation of 31 top managers of Japanese financial institutions.
America's environmental statutes are a telling exception: they do clearly assign criminal liability to top managers, and with good results.
Shares in the auction house Sotheby's have plummeted, following allegations of price fixing and the resignation of two top managers.
But top managers on both sides seemed to prefer sidling up to potential hurdles rather than meeting them head on.
At the end of the two-day affair, Michael Dell called all the presenters (the new top managers) to the dais.
But it is also possible that the departures have distracted top managers' attention from the underlying problems in Chrysler's business.
Their proposals include timely publication of share-sensitive information, sanctions against ineffective supervisory boards and an overhaul of top managers' pay.
The top managers of each of Thor's divisions share 15% of the division's pretax profits, with no ceiling on the payouts.