• Topics are created by users and continually revised and updated so that similar topics are unified to avoid the kind of answer bloat that befell Yahoo Answers and Answers.com.

    FORBES: Obsessed With Quora

  • Then additional 200 messages were created on topics such as disaster risk management, the economy, the right to free compulsory education, cultural diversity, the culture of Pakistan, the culture of peace, human rights, rights of persons with disabilities, freedom of expression, and the voting process.

    UNESCO: Mobile-Based Post Literacy Programme

  • There is little guesswork here: Even the lecture topics are vetted by surveys and focus groups before courses are created.

    FORBES: Entrepreneurs

  • This information can be fed back to the editorial or social media teams and new content can be created, or traffic to and from these trending topics can be managed and incorporated into communications via their social media channels.

    FORBES: Former DailyCandy CEO Launches New Company Today To Help Publishers Link Smarter

  • It based the draft legislation on proposals created by 16-member bicameral working groups on the topics of gun violence, school security and mental health.

    CNN: Connecticut panel crafts gun law overhaul

  • The promotion of respect for cultural diversity, peace building and conflict resolution, strengthening freedom of expression through the local content created by youth for youth, as well as ways for preventing violence were the main topics the participants included in their programmes.


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