Most were eliminated due to specifications such as topography or access to sewers and roads.
Among other things the depiction of the range considers the topography and the route profile.
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It requires a combination of acuity with physics, topography and touch that's rare in sports.
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It also depends on the local topography of the coast, where land meets water.
"This path ended in Auschwitz, " said Andreas Nachama, the director of the Topography of Terror.
Topography: configuration of a surface including its relief and the position of its natural and man-made features.
"The topography plus the hot, windy weather created a perfect storm for the fire to spread fast, " he said.
Determining a cable's route requires navigating a maze of economics, geopolitics and topography.
Achanakmar-Amarkantak, India located at the junction of hill ranges, with topography ranging from high mountains, shallow valleys and plains.
The few that do venture to Papua New Guinea, however, encounter some of the most diverse cultures and topography on the planet.
The widespread damage to the city has much to do with its topography, or "lay of the land, " English said.
The mountainous canton of Valais is often hit by natural disasters with heavy loss of life due to its topography.
They will record plant species, forest structure, ash cover, soil properties, river sediment and the overall topography of the burned area.
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The rush of energy you get from taking in this futuristic megacity's outline and its amazing natural topography on which it's built is immense.
The wild geography and topography around Killary, with its gorse-covered mountains, sweeping valleys and white sand beaches, presents both stark beauty and physical challenges.
The clearer fault lies with more local decisions: first to do with changing Louisiana's topography, and then with its preparedness for such emergencies.
This alternately bucolic and brooding landscape inspired painters not just to depict the actual topography but often to clothe it in Byronic atmosphere.
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The main issues centred around the sloped topography of the area and the potential blocking of a window in a neighbouring listed building.
Because of the topography of the city, any significant projects to improve drainage will involve improving how water flows into and through the bayous.
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Fieldston is part of Riverdale's Special Natural Area District, which seeks to preserve the region's natural topography, including its sloping hills and rock formations.
The only pristine rainforests are those which are simply inaccessible because of steep topography or the cost of extraction and transport to the coast.
Groundwater response to global changes is a complex function that depends on climate change and variability, topography, aquifer characteristics, vegetation dynamics, and human activities.
The gradients seem less marked over the oceans where a lot of gravity field information has already been determined by spacecraft that measure sea-surface topography.
He insists that without understanding the true topography and layout of the battlefield, historians can never fully gain an insight into events from the past.
The most serious example is Haiti, which is particularly vulnerable to extreme events because of deforestation, difficult topography, poverty and a lack of public infrastructure.
When we see a notable change in the gravity field, we can sync up this change with surface topography features such as craters, rilles or mountains.
If you predicting rainfall for northern England as opposed to Western Europe, then you have to take into account local factors (such as an area's topography).
So they procured massively detailed topography maps from NASA, data that covers 99% of the surface of the Earth, and imported it into their mountain-making software.
However, if you can figure out the curves (topography) on the front and back of the glass, you can write computer algorithms to correct for them.
The Initiative will include a large-scale effort to map the topography of the brain, from cells to circuits, which will first require some more sophisticated imaging techniques.
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