One of the hottest topics on the tort lawyer conference circuit is welding rod litigation.
Much wickedness has descended upon the market for small companies, says tort lawyer John O'Quinn.
It concerns drug makers and the issue of federal pre-emption of state tort claims.
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He'd changed his mind: There was no way this wouldn't be a tort disaster.
If state suits were allowed, tort lawyers would argue the old product is defective.
FORBES: Can you sue a company for a product the feds approved?
McConnell also cashed in on the biggest tort bonanza in history, the tobacco settlement.
There is also a disregard for tort law and respect for ownership rights to assets.
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Whereas Europe employs regulations to gum up the gears of commerce, we use a tort bar.
The FDIC can also claim sovereign immunity based on the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA).
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No estimate in the report of how much tort-reform groups spend on similar efforts.
Mr. GIULIANI: Fred was the single biggest obstacle to tort reform in the United States Senate.
Republicans call for tort-reform first, saying it is the best way to keep costs down.
He stuck to a simple, four-point program: education, juvenile justice, tort reform and welfare reform.
Sorting out who will pay for it could be another of America's great tort battles.
Only tort liability acted as a check on the manufacturer, and, interestingly, there were few lawsuits.
"We can't imagine a more nightmarish scenario, " said Darren McKinney, spokesman for the American Tort Reform Association.
Some of your sticker price is going to end up in the pocket of a tort lawyer.
Tort reform costs pennies on the many dollars it would save, so why was that not addressed?
The current standard for the tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress, for instance, is justifiably high.
Taxpayers are burdened by excessive municipal tort claims, a significant portion of which are based on fraud.
His firm files 40 or more tort complaints a year, often involving infants born with brain damage.
Take this recent decision by the Montana Supreme Court, reported today by Mass Tort Defense.
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The case is the latest and maybe biggest manifestation of what defense lawyers dub the "harm-less" tort.
With these came a less visible but potentially vastly greater disaster: American tort lawyers' discovery of asbestosis.
Common sense and the principles of tort law in the American civil justice system are not always synonymous.
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In truth, tort reform would only hurt trial lawyers and would provide an immediate boost to the economy.
So, that is one way tort law affects the cost of healthcare and we all pay for it.
The fen-phen case, in all its turns, illustrates the conflicts and collusion that are inherent in mass-tort litigation.
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Tax cuts, tort reform and telecom deregulation--if passed--would set off a capital spending boom to shame the 1990s.
They are part of the law of respondeat superior and accepted as established principles in civil tort situations.