To extend the analogy, toss out the gin and haul around grain alcohol instead.
But statisticians, and the FDA, tend to toss out studies that don't make their main goal.
Feel free to toss out a couple of suggestions based on price ranges, too.
ENGADGET: Ask Engadget HD: Which HD DVD player should I pick up for the holidays?
Toss out Jeff Carter's four goals, and the Kings only have 15 this season.
Act IV: In which said offended co-Founder Teams up with Wealthy co-Founder To Toss out CEO.
FORBES: A Cautionary Tale: Friendship, Business Ethics, and Bad Breakups (Acts I and II)
Mr Kozlowski and his in-house team of merger specialists toss out old managers and hand-pick their replacements.
Got a burning question that you'd love to toss out for Engadget HD (or its readers) to take a look at?
First, she would toss out the question asking women how old they were when their first baby was born.
Lawyers suing Toyota over sudden-acceleration problems have a problem of their own: Courts tend to toss out these kinds of cases.
Last year, for example, the state had to toss out questions related to a passage that was widely ridiculed for being confusing.
Let me say it again: I had to toss out unopened toothpaste and mouthwash because they were not in a Ziploc bag.
Consequently, they are asking Virginia's Prince William County Circuit Judge LeRoy Millette Jr. to toss out Muhammad's conviction or order a new trial.
First, that there is a sharp line between good and bad apples, and that a manager's job is to toss out the bad.
The federal judge was right to toss out the plea deal.
FORBES: ��Cash for Kids�� Judge Sentenced to 28 Years in Prison
Lawyers defending both Credit Suisse and two of the ships' brokers have asked the bankruptcy judge to toss out the suit--or at least force Freedman to shorten it.
If you're like most people, you'll toss out this invitation to opt out -- and with it will go your chance to prevent the sharing of your personal data.
"The days when they could just toss out the 100, 200, 400m euros a year, which is what Formula One costs those big companies, I think they are finished, " he said.
It is not just that this charge is based on a novel legal theory: this week, the judge in her case, Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum, considered whether to toss out this charge altogether.
Toss out the greeting card companies as purely seasonal, and you have a pretty good list of the companies that are likely to emerge from this Christmas at the top of the pile.
If an opponent's point total approaches the amount needed for victory, look for good players to toss out strategically placed shots that score points and try to forcefully drive the opposition's discs off the court.
While Congress has been afraid to permanently get rid of the threatened cut (they still figure in the total value of the cut in reaching their government healthcare expenditure numbers) and toss out the formula that failed to work as planned, the cut continues to be deferred.
FORBES: Does Obamacare really cut Medicare Benefits to Senior Citizens?
Song, a Beijing film student continuing her schooling in Paris, videotapes Simon, to his delight, while Suzanne, who is working on a puppet show, is trying to toss out her nonpaying tenant, a screenwriter friend, to make room for her older daughter, who is arriving from Brussels.
At a formal gripe session with eight Ebay executives that weekend, some long-time disciples expressed the feeling they weren't particularly well served, complaining that customer support is inadequate, that Ebay staffers know less about navigating the site than users, that the company is slow to toss out inactive sellers, particularly those who hang on to user names that others would like to have.
If Australians do not like the look of it, they could well toss it out.
But what about the rest of us who get our phone books and then promptly toss them out?
Politicians have made us believe that buying new things is good - that we shouldn't be miserly and hang on to our old possessions, our old appliances and our old clothes, but that we should toss them out the second they get worn and buy new ones - to keep the economy going.
Each home we went into we were told to save nothing and toss it all out on the curb.
She discovered that she could scoop handfuls of mixed sand and grain and then toss the mix out onto the water.
FORBES: The Rising Silver Tide: Aging as Counter Current to Innovation
But is it time to buy, figuring the board will toss Apple Guy out in the coming months, and hire someone more in tune with the Penney shopper?