Of these, he says, three-fifths had no provisions, equivalent to more than the bank's total shareholders' equity of euro5.7 billion.
We analyzed 26 industries (excluding trading companies) of the Global 2000 and scored each company on long-term and short-term sales growth, profit growth, return on capital and total return to shareholders.
To find these companies we analyzed 26 industries (excluding trading companies) of the Global 2000 and scored each company on long-term and short-term sales growth, profit growth, return on capital and total return to shareholders.
Other research has shown that venture-backed companies run by women have annual revenues 12 percent higher than those by men and that organizations that are the most inclusive of women in top management positions achieve a 35% higher return on equity and 34% higher total return to shareholders.
FORBES: Silicon Valley Discriminates Against Women But There is Hope
Even so, the majority of decades provided attractive total returns sufficient to reward shareholders for the wild ride.
FORBES: Tilt Odds In Your Favor With Stocks, Get Rich Slowly But Surely
Capital appreciation came in at 23.6% per annum, and when you add in the rapidly growing dividend, shareholders enjoyed a total annualized rate of return of 24.8% per annum.
"We find it unfathomable that BP would pay out a dividend to shareholders before the total cost of BP's oil spill cleanup is estimated, " the senators wrote in a letter to the company.
In 2011, Forbes examined how well chief executives of major corporations had delivered value to shareholders relative to their total compensation.
FORBES: How Manufacturing Can Learn From Software To Become Agile
If the dividend tax rises to 20% next year from 15% today, then the total tax on dividends paid to shareholders would be closer to 50%, and that doesn't include state and local taxes.
Thus, one key question is whether the cut in dividend taxes increased the total amount companies distributed to their shareholders or just changed the way they did it by, for instance, increasing dividends but reducing share repurchases.
FORBES: Senate Democrats Make Curious Choice To Keep Dividend Taxes Low
The NFL team completed a stock sale (the fifth in its history) earlier this year in which it sold more than 269, 000 shares and added over 250, 000 new shareholders to reach a total of 364, 000.
FORBES: Packers Get More Money From Public But Reveal Less To Shareholders
The dividend payout ratio is simply the percent of total profits that are paid out to shareholders in the form of dividends to shareholders.
In the last quarter, Alliance grew its net asset value (NAV) by 3.3% and delivered a total return of 5.7% for shareholders.
According to its own reports, shareholders working with CPA have filed a total of 51 resolutions in 2012.
FORBES: Citizens United: Are Shareholder Revolts in the Offing?
Total membership: more than 60, 000 individual shareholders.
In total, RBS is facing unquantified claims over losses to shareholders, starting in the US, and with UK shareholders threatening action.
Its management also won permission to increase the share options it can grant from 10% of total shares to 50%, and to let major shareholders sell their holdings in six months, instead of two years.
Over the last several months, the chief executives of a number of major gold-mining companies said they are putting more emphasis on spending restraint and returning capital to shareholders, rather than a race for more total production.
FORBES: INTERVIEW: USAGX's Denbow: Gold Miners On Track With Focus On Profitability
The average margin on total sales will fall, but performance actually has improved and shareholders are better off because the company has earned a higher economic profit.
Less obvious, but historically better for shareholders in terms of higher stock prices, companies can reward existing shareholders by using free cash flow to reduce the total number of shares outstanding.
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In earlier decades, when large shareholders weren't as prevalent, a simple focus on total insider buying and selling painted a more accurate picture.
WSJ: Hulbert on Investing: Company Insiders Are Dumping Shares! Or Are They?
The strategy I base on WarrenBuffettWarren Buffett's approach to investing likes Pacific Sunwear because it has a very strong brand name, strong earnings predictability (EPS rose in nine out of the last 10 years), no debt, 18.2% return on equity over the last 10 years, an 18.1% return on total capital over the last 10 years and a management that has earned shareholders 22.8% on retained earnings.
The strategy I base on Warren Buffett 's approach to investing likes Pacific Sunwear because it has a very strong brand name, strong earnings predictability (EPS rose in nine out of the last 10 years), no debt, 18.2% return on equity over the last 10 years, an 18.1% return on total capital over the last 10 years and a management that has earned shareholders 22.8% on retained earnings.
When the corporation adds more shares, but excludes the existing shareholders from buying enough new shares to maintain their prior percentage of the total, their voting power is diluted.
FORBES: Student Athletes: Don't Count Your Stipend Blessings Just Yet
He estimated that the additional surcharge, and other direct tax initiatives, such as a withholding tax of 20% on profits distributed by unlisted companies to shareholders through a buyback of shares, would help the government raise a total of 133 billion rupees.
Hitachi's total borrowings minus cash and short-term investments amount to only 21% of its shareholders' funds, compared with 127% at Toshiba and 180% at Mitsubishi Electric.
The deal dilutes current shareholders as it grows the current shares outstanding by 19% to 70.9 million in total.