In 1946, the Tote'm convenience-store chain extended its hours from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
He plans to make other products, like a backpack and tote bag already in the works.
The Tote make Xaar 10-1 fourth favourite behind Border Arrow who is now an 8-1 chance.
There are some large companies based here including Heinz, Volex, the Tote and National Girobank.
Furthermore, buyers will bid less if they inherit the Tote's obligations to the racing industry.
When I tote the voice recorder to meetings, a couple of AAAs ride along.
Celebrities, like regular folks, tend to tote their phones everywhere, making their cellular habits easy to track.
After leaving his job, Silbermann first built an iPhone app called Tote for shopping on the phone.
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Most days, she carried a tote bag, black, with the name of her favorite nonprofit in white.
But the market is already dominated by three big firms, with the Tote a long way behind.
It lacks the versatility of the Terra Tote, which includes a strap to convert itself into a messenger bag.
FORBES: A Laptop Tote that Combines Capacity and Organization
The railroads tote building materials and the ongoing problems in the housing market must be impacting their bottom line.
My personal favorite is the Volcano Signature Tote with the Puppy Tooth Belt!
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Use the versatile tote to store and help protect gloves, scarves or hats and more from dust and light.
In deciding to sell, Mr Straw accepted the recommendations of a review by Home Office, Treasury and Tote officials.
And it is not clear that the state actually owns the Tote anyway.
In 1920 it inspired Erich Korngold's opera "Die Tote Stadt, " which is periodically revived in opera houses around the world.
In Lika, Croatia, one woman developed an idea at an event for an eco-friendly tote bag that won first place.
Fans blow conch shells, bang out a rhythm on steel brake-drums, and tote all-day liquid picnics of cold beer and rum.
As part of that campaign, Macy's customers can now buy T-shirts and tote bags sporting some of the old retail logos.
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"It can be anything from a luxe leather tote to a cute fabric in bright colors or leopard prints, " she says.
Unless you wear cargo pants the only way to tote the machine on foot is in a day pack or handbag.
Although competition from fixed-odds bookies limits the Tote's market power, the Tote still has a monopoly over some types of bet.
But even the state-owned Tote, a pooled-bet scheme, is backing the bookies.
They tote a computerized clipboard called a DIAD (Delivery Information Acquisition Device), which houses an internal radio that simultaneously captures and transmits delivery information.
Because that will take time, he has not chosen whether to float the Tote, or to sell it to its managers or other investors.
Reusable bags are not just used to tote food, and rarely are meat and vegetables separated (meat being an especially good medium for bacterial growth).
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SideCar and Lyft slice that market finer, monetizing an empty seat by letting owners tote along fee-paying passengers on routes they may already be taking.
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Digital e-readers first won travellers over as a way to tote around great reads without having to carry a stack of guidebooks, travelogues and novels.
Stripped of obligations to the racing industry, the Tote would probably be worth most to other bookies, because buying the Tote would remove a competitor.