Li Ning also faces tough competition from Nike at the higher end of the China market.
However, PayPal, will face tough competition from other card companies such as Visa Inc.
"I have no doubt there will be a tough competition between them, " Mudassar said.
But Lara's latest endeavour - on PC and PlayStation formats - could still face tough competition.
It's definitely a tough competition to be involved in and I'm really looking forward to it.
Yet tough competition in its core business at home is leading Wahaha to look into new businesses.
Even given the tough competition in the American League East, one can imagine such a team doing interesting things.
So if Scots are high up the league table for incompetence in managing major projects, they've got tough competition.
Best Buy has been working to turn around results as it faces tough competition from online retailers and discounters.
Sony has faced tough competition, plus a high yen that makes exports dearer.
They either export heavily, or they face tough competition from products manufactured abroad.
Slower than expected trade growth has negatively impacted the global freight industry as yields have plummeted due to tough competition.
Yet the chain's selling woes continued against the tough competition of big-box outlets Best Buy, Circuit City and Wal-Mart Stores.
China, which won outright on the second round of voting, was the favourite, although Paris and Toronto provided tough competition.
Faced with tough competition at home from no-frills airlines, big American carriers are all seeking to boost their international services.
The export sector, despite tough competition from China, began growing again last year, bolstered in part by higher oil prices.
The firm lost market share in Russia - where it is the biggest beer maker - due to tough competition.
The Celtic League has been taking a lot of stick, but I know it's a tough competition from last season.
BBC: South Africa are probably the best in the world at the moment
Most retailers have faced tough competition in recent months as chains waged a discounting war in an attempt to boost sales.
The world's largest consumer-products maker, whose brands include Tide and Crest, is trying to increase sales in the face of tough competition.
Free trade agreements open doors for American companies to compete in the first place, and tough competition is better than no competition.
Though these initiatives would be quite significant for PayPal, it will face tough competition from card companies such as Visa Inc.
FORBES: eBay Is Charged For $50 With PayPal's Discover Partnership
Its hepatitis C medicines, Rebetol and Peg-Intron, are facing tough competition from a new entrant from Roche , a Basel, Switzerland-based drug giant.
But some analysts worry that the ever-increasing competition and over-capacity will prompt local manufacturers to look overseas for sales, creating tough competition for Thailand.
Upstate New York companies and government agencies are already facing tough competition from China, a leader in the development of the clean energy sector.
FORBES: U.S. Solar Manufacturer to U.S. Taxpayers: Drop Dead
Throw rocky roads, tough competition, and even life-threatening illness his way, and the Apple chief executive is still going to come out on top.
And with a reputation for hard work and perserverance, Saudi Arabia's working women may soon prove to be tough competition for their male counterparts.
Chrysler - like other US car firms - has faced increasingly tough competition from Japanese firms, that have developed smaller, more fuel efficient models.
The company has seen its share price take a battering over the past few months amid mounting concerns over its product line and tough competition.
Motorola also continues to struggle amid tough competition from rivals Nokia and Research in Motion (nasdaq: RIMM - news - people ).