But he dealt with it toughly, if belatedly, and emerged from the crisis more popular than ever.
ECONOMIST: Volker R��he, Germany��s next foreign minister?
And also because, you know, Secretary Sebelius wrote that pretty toughly worded letter saying, justify all this stuff.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing
Republicans run Arizona and are now in a state of hysteria, competing with one another to deal most toughly with the threat.
ECONOMIST: Arizona's immigration law
Jay, a lawyer, haggled toughly for broader boundaries for the United States.
ECONOMIST: America's Founding Fathers
In general, despite the references to time spent in the Depression Wing of the Priory Hospital, the atmosphere of these books is toughly non-therapeutic.
NEWYORKER: Noble Savages
They seem to have been excited by the prospect of a passably pure, toughly modest aestheticism that jettisoned the traditions of a Europe gone mad with slaughter.
NEWYORKER: Shapes of Things
Leahy challenged such assertions on Thursday, saying in a toughly worded final statement that opponents of gun legislation should stop spreading false information about the panel's proposals.
CNN: Senate panel passes ban on assault-style weapons
Russia, by contrast, is a country where the general principle of a toughly enforced ideology, and a national foundation story, still seems natural to many people, including the country's elite.
ECONOMIST: Learning about the past
However toughly President Clinton may have talked to Binyamin Netanyahu this week, it escaped no Arab's notice that the Israeli prime minister's visit coincided with the delivery of long-range American fighter-bombers to Israel.
ECONOMIST: America��s old alliance subsides into the sand
Mr Putin's absence was a blow to Mr Bush, who was hoping to persuade the Russian leader to support America's efforts to secure a toughly worded United Nations resolution on Iraq and its weapons.
ECONOMIST: APEC, terrorism and trade
Two days earlier, Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson had issued a toughly worded ruling that did just what everyone expected: it branded Microsoft an "oppressive" monopolist and laid the legal groundwork for imposing what could be draconian remedies in the next few months.
CNN: Gates gets slammed