Mr Delaney said in the newsletter that Chief Pleas, the island's government, needed to make the tourist market more open to encourage expansion.
The Chinese tourist market is growing rapidly, driven by burgeoning affluence.
Such ties have usually hobbled low-cost airlines elsewhere: incumbents hate to cannibalise their own business. (Australia, where Qantas owns Jetstar, is an exception.) Analysts say the upstarts will thrive only if ANA and JAL step out of their way, letting them shake up the domestic tourist market.
One would imagine that with its prime farmland, popular tourist resorts and elegant market towns it would be a Tory seat, and indeed that was the case up until 1987, but since then it has been held for the Liberal Democrats by Menzies Campbell.
Browse the farm-fresh produce and traditional crafts, and banter with the infamous salmon-tossing fishmongers, whose tourist-pleasing antics mix market trading with street theatre.
"The economic downturn has had an effect on the town and there have been other setbacks, but we want Machynlleth to be a thriving market town and tourist destination once more, " he added.
In the tourist areas, where foreign buyers dominate the market, prices halved in some cases, according to the index.
By providing an escape for stressed-out business executives, the company has tapped into a new market that could help to extend the tourist season, and provide a boost for the local economy.
The result, at times, is like a promotional film for the African tourist board - a montage of bustling city streets, colourful market scenes, wildlife and culture.
As such, the US tourism industry, sensing a burgeoning market, has responded to cater to the lucrative new tourist.
Fresh baguettes, aromatic fromage, decadent patisseries: these foods have shaped the tourist vision of France for decades, calling to mind a country built on local market fare where every bite is better than the last.
The auction at the market - which trades millions of dollars of products daily and is a popular tourist destination - began at 05:00 local time.
Known as a ski-resort city, the tourist destination has attracted celebrities and affluent socialites for decades helping to transform the Aspen real estate market into a mix of high-end luxury homes and condos.
The optimists point out that what they call the River Market has been livened up with some new hotels, the inevitable convention centre and the odd tourist bar.
ECONOMIST: The Clintons and Arkansas: ��Twixt Little Rock and a hard place | The
While low-paying, service-sector jobs are the low-hanging fruit of the resort town job market, doctors, electricians, teachers and other professionals can all earn comfortable salaries in sublime tourist destinations around the world.
While low-paying service sector jobs are the low-hanging fruit of the resort town job market, doctors, electricians, teachers and other professionals can all earn comfortable salaries in sublime tourist destinations around the world.