The box on the table, the table in the house, the house in the town, the town in the canyon.
Ms. RODRIGUEZ: Oh, my, in my town and in the villages close to my town, we grow sachatomates in most of our--we say back yards or gardens.
Lovelle - the name of the fictional town in the simulation - was a replication of a town in France where the training exercise had been carried out in real life, said Col Law.
Talking to a resident of a predominantly indigenous town in the area of Atitlan, he told me that most recently residents of the town captured three people suspected of committing crimes in the town.
After the town meeting in the town firehouse, Kelli Trimm stood next to her husband, sobbing.
In 1998 Donna Keogh, 17, went missing from the same area of Middlesbrough town centre and Vicky Glass, 21, was last seen in the town in 2000.
In much the same way that Hershey's combination of capitalism and idealism had led him in 1903 to found the model town of Hershey for his workers, he in 1916 built another perfect town in Cuba, where he had gone into the sugar business.
We believe in our town, we've investing in our town and we're created work for people here.
"Having a big employer such as Kimberly-Clark in the town gives you confidence to build in the town and that it does have a good economic future, " said Mr Whall.
BBC: North Lincolnshire town's shock at nappy factory closure
It has also increased its lead as the number one town in the region for 'pound shops', with eight operating in the town centre, two more than its nearest rival Sunderland.
The interim town manager, Laura Bruno, said Wednesday a lawyer for the town briefed the town council in closed session about Mr. Foster's case.
Lots of good examples, like up in Hernando, Mayor Chip Johnson is working to build more sidewalks and to bring weekly farmer's markets to town so folks in his town can be more active and eat better.
Everyone in this town -- rather, everyone who was elected in this town is on the hook for the economy.
Until recently there were two ways to visit Apo: you could shell out for a live-aboard dive safari operating out of the town of Puerto Galera in eastern Mindoro, or out of Coron town in Palawan province south of Mindoro.
The town board in the Tompkins County town of Dryden, 40 miles southwest of Syracuse, voted unanimously in August 2011 to amend the zoning law to ban gas drilling.
For example, my cousin, who lives in Mexico City, had been in town in early August and had shopped at Old Navy for his kids.
Given enough time, town pigeons in New York may one day be averse to cohabiting with town pigeons in San Francisco.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on the Possible Formation of a Species | Mind & Matter
Meanwhile people in the town have told the BBC of food shortages because the main market in the town has been closed for the last five days.
Balanced budgets -- as have I. (Laughter.) Balanced budgets in this town -- the last time, as I recall since I covered it, that the budget was balanced in this town through a bipartisan compromise, there was a Democrat in the White House, okay?
Cupar, the capital of Fife, is a bustling market town but the most famous town in the seat, St Andrews, is perhaps the most conservative.
He had been a Labour councillor in the town in the 1950s and 60s.
And the scene out here is any Saturday night in any town in the world, actually.
It is more than what took place in that town in the fall of 1946.
The two-week arts festival, which features Shakespearian plays at Ludlow Castle, began in the town in 1960.
He says you don't have the clout that you had politically in this town in past debates.
In September, about 800 people turned out at a meeting in the town in a show of concern.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid Wales | Town fights hospital service cuts
But, in a town in which the two sides of the racial divide still do not speak, suspicions remain.
His father took a job in Birkenhead and moved the family to a terraced house in the town in 1900.
So now the tax collectors promise that software will figure out how every item is taxed in every town in America.