This month, the FDA issued new draft guidance on liver toxicity for experimental drugs.
After studies in primates showed high levels of toxicity from GDNF, Amgen halted further human trials.
The MHRA has also said there is no evidence of toxicity from the unauthorised filler.
Hydrogen sulfide faces skepticism because of its mysterious nature and its potential for toxicity.
My awareness of the toxicity of carbon nanotubes is that the jury is out.
As introduced into the human body directly, any potential toxicity might prove rather difficult.
Current classes of antibiotics often have side effects, includ-ing changes in heart rhythm and liver toxicity.
If the drug doesn't work, or it has toxicity, we need to find that out.
But the drug's potential toxicity still was a problem, and ProScript was running out of cash.
It licensed its first DPP-4 inhibitor in 2000, but the drug caused toxicity in lab animals.
It was eventually withdrawn worldwide because of the very liver toxicity that worried Nissen.
Two months ago it halted trials of a promising arthritis drug over fears of brain toxicity.
Specificity refers to the need to do so without excessive toxicity to the patient.
Vitamin D toxicity can involve kidney stones and heart arrhythmias, but cases are very rare.
Is this toxicity linked to the ever increasing statistics of infertility problems and cancers?
But it was concerned about what it called the "potential toxicity of the gel" as an irritant.
My understanding is that the dispersant is actually not used in several Western countries because of its toxicity.
As a result, the FDA is considering changing acetaminophen warning labels to identify the risk of liver toxicity.
Her team also discovered how to make them lose their toxicity by clothing the Fullerenes in other chemicals.
At the inquest in Plymouth, Coroner Ian Arrow recorded a verdict of accidental death caused by butane toxicity.
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Vaspar vehemently refused to name the active ingredients or disclose even one toxicity test that it has passed.
Caffeine toxicity can include symptoms like dizziness, increased heart rate, muscle twitching, confusion, hallucinations, convulsions, and sleep problems.
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It is analogous to equating the amount of a medicine ingested with potential harmful effects without considering its toxicity.
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Home Office pathologist Dr Stephen Leadbeatter told the inquest that drug toxicity had been the cause of Laura's death.
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Both micro- and macro-organisms at vent locations can withstand extreme toxicity and pressure.
So what is this toxicity in our food chain doing to our health and the health of our children?
New food products must endure the same costly testing for toxicity as drugs, but do not offer drug-like returns.
But the medicine had a potential for toxicity, and he spent years refining it before founding a company called Centaur.
The key question for Merck is how much of torcetrapib's toxicity was caused by the pill's accidental effect on aldosterone.
Further trials of this compound are on hold because the drug caused cardiac toxicity at high doses in animal tests.