There is no known antidote for the toxin, which is derived from castor beans.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada said Tuesday that the toxin might be ricin.
Here's a brief science lesson: Botox is a brand name for botulinum toxin type a.
Dr Chapman's plan was to use this mechanism to get macrophages to eat toxin molecules.
What is needed is a way to get toxin molecules to attach themselves to Fc receptors.
Mice with the variation were more resistant to a particular aspect of the toxin.
When a macrophage is invaded by the anthrax toxin, the body tries to fight it off.
Toxin analysis has improved but sometimes it is only luck that reveals ingeniously administered substances.
Mr Crump was recorded in September saying he would like to make 10lb (4.5kg) of the toxin.
Roger Wicker, a Mississippi Republican, received a letter containing ricin, a toxin derived from the castor oil plant.
The drug works because its molecular structure matches receptors on the toxin, locking them together and inactivating the poison.
It turns out that many commercial microwave popcorn bags are lined with PFOA, which the FDA labels a toxin.
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No illnesses had been found as a result of exposure to the toxin.
Staph bacteria produce a toxin that causes impetigo to spread to nearby skin.
Nicotine evolved as a toxin to keep bugs and deer from eating plants.
He was trying to develop a stronger vaccine against the deadly anthrax toxin.
The transferrin binds to its corresponding receptor, allowing the diphtheria toxin to enter into the cancer cell and kill it.
They feed on oak trees and their hairs contain a toxin that can cause itchy rashes, eye and throat irritations.
Herbicide tolerant crops are made resistant to a proprietary weedkiller, while Bt crops include genes that produce an insect-killing toxin.
Scientists now believe the birds had consumed domoic acid, a toxin found in algae that had gotten into their diet.
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It could have been worse because it was chemically similar to a potent toxin that causes liver cancer, Nichols said.
The FBI said the substance tested positive for ricin, a toxin derived from castor beans that has no known antidote.
The FBI said the letters tested positive for ricin, a toxin derived from castor beans that has no known antidote.
An FBI informant recorded the men discussing plans to spread the toxin across Atlanta, Washington and several other major American cities.
Surgeons have convinced their patients to inject botulinum toxin (aka Botox) into the face of a patient on a regular basis.
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In addition, a drug currently used to treat high cholesterol levels could be able to deal with the toxin which causes ciguatera.
The toxin is harmless to healthy brain cells, which lack IL-13 receptors.
They found that two of these versions protected mice against the toxin.
Dutschke, the affidavit stated, also said he'd never researched anything about ricin, a toxin derived from castor beans that has no known antidote.
Professor Mike Lord, head of the toxin research group at the University of Warwick, is one of many scientists working in this area.