But like so many, he had a horrible track record of failed diets and exercise attempts.
But during the giddy precrash era, that track record gave little pause to Citi or others.
At this level, almost every company screens for the proper skill set, motivation, and track record.
As a general matter, the firm is proud of its track record in research.
But the choices won't appease those who wanted an outsider to vet Pfizer's track record.
Of our advice-giving trio, the leading performer is Samuel Lieber, who boasts the longest track record.
Michael Eisner's track record at Disney is a bit like this, argues Mr Lucier.
This is designed to give credit to investors with a consistent track record over time.
Yet, when it comes to business applications, a long-term track record is vitally important.
With a track record like that, why did Jobs even bother to ding Samsung?
Veterans benefits have been around for ages, and their track record is none too edifying.
FORBES: Veterans Benefits are the Politicians' New Baby-Kissing
Loyalty to any track record less than half a century should be held lightly.
With such a poor track record, an offer of outside expertise should be welcomed.
This is only the American group's third international amusement park and its track record is mixed.
But insider trading is a murky area with a mixed track record of success for regulators.
FORBES: SEC's Insider Trading Case Against Mark Cuban is Back On
Big buyers are more likely to buy from big vendors who have a strong track record.
Koza has outstanding track record of a 38% average annual return for the past five years.
Executives who fail to learn this lesson are often let go despite their track record.
FORBES: Christine Quinn for Mayor: Does It Work to Play the Heavy?
Beyond an investment by Wilson, Yavonditte has a proven track record as a CEO.
FORBES: Hashable: South by Southwest's 2011 Breakout Company?
"We have a pretty incredible track record, " helping PetFinder.com find adopters for the puppies, Toporoff said.
Then Congress could rely on the ones that develop the best track record over time.
Daimler needed a party with a good joint-venture track record, and the obvious choice was Renault-Nissan.
Given the track record of these top hedge fund managers, Nieuwenhuyse has struck investor gold.
The fact is that your customers already have a track record of buying from you.
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"I have a track record of getting things when they first come out, " O'Day said.
In order for any film to be made, its stars--track record or not--must be insured.
It doesn't help that the company has a mediocre track record when it comes to acquisitions.
What we need to do going forward is build on this unmatched track record.
But to have that kind of track record with products is also truly unprecedented.
FORBES: Steve Jobs Had No Business Being Successful When He Returned to Apple
Luckily for the movie world, the new model has a proven track record of success.