This includes good regulatory practices, ensuring that state-owned enterprises compete on a level playing field, market-based trade in digital goods and innovation, and addressing challenges faced by small businesses.
There is a clear upward trend in the goods-trade deficits with both other European Union countries and the rest of the world.
Instead of straightforward cross-border exchanges, the vehicle for trade in both goods and services can be foreign direct investment.
It has offered Sri Lanka a free-trade deal in services (a deal exists already for goods).
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Follow-on components of ECFA, including deals on trade in goods, services, and investment, have yet to be completed.
With that promise in hand, the bank would make the purchase and immediately sell it onto the buyer at a mark-up, agreeing the buyer could pay, say, three months after goods are delivered--in effect, trade finance at a fixed rate with legal protection against default on the one side and loan sharking on the other.
Moreover, there appears to be another stratagem that exporters extensively used in December, the round-tripping of goods through special trade areas and bonded warehouses to earn substantial value-added-tax rebates.
Second, the law was introduced as a counterweight to trade-enhancing measures in Europe, such as the rebate of value-added tax on exported goods.
Nicholas Lardy of the Brookings Institution notes another reason for the outflows: a huge increase in trade credit extended to foreign (mainly South-East Asian) buyers of Chinese goods.
In addition to internet-based measures, the agreement also seeks to curb trade of counterfeited physical goods.
As a result, the US-EU economic relations have become the most intense in the world (in terms of trade in goods as well as investment flows).
Around the time of the Abbasid dynasty, cross-border trade became extremely active in the Islamic world with merchants acting as mediators for the movement of goods among western and African countries, India, and (later) China.
America's goods-and-services trade deficit widened by a greater-than-expected 9% in October.
That's why AGOA, our trade arrangement with Africa -- we can eliminate tariffs and subsidies and allow all sorts of goods to come in partly because you are not our primary competition.
In a sign of a slowdown in global growth over the summer, the U.S. trade deficit unexpectedly widened even as a cheaper dollar in June failed to spur a slump in demand for American-made goods abroad.
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Even the Bank's new estimates say that fully free trade in goods could boost Africa's income by more than, say, this year's much-hailed deal on debt relief.
During the 18th and 19th centuries, improvements in ship-building technology and the repeal of protectionist trade laws made it easier and easier for people to ship goods over great distances.
The US gets a cheap and stable source of funding for its trade deficit, allowing the economy to continue to grow as consumers purchase cheap foreign goods - whose low prices keep inflation in check.