McCain, the attitude has been that any trade agreement is a good trade agreement.
Instead of paying for a stay with cash or credit, guests can trade a good or service.
Even if the costs from drilling are much greater than was recognized pre-spill, that does not make Cap-and-Trade a good policy.
Yet this effort is based on a false premise: that freeing trade is good for you only if other countries do the same.
So is Chinese investment and trade a good idea?
FORBES: U.S. Policies And Economic Doldrums Fuel Chinese Energy and Tech Grabs
Those with good policies (low inflation, a budget surplus and openness to trade) and good institutions (little corruption, strong rule of law, effective bureaucracy) benefited from the aid they got.
He failed to explain why freer trade deals are good for America, especially when linked to efforts to help parts of the country where expanded trade brings unemployment.
It is not a good trade if the price of privacy is quality of life.
For me One good trade per day is all that I need to minimize risk.
There's no optical image stabilisation, but we're thinking the ISO is a pretty good trade-off.
Europeans deliberately looked the other way, conscious of the need to maintain good trade relations with China.
They do a very good trade indeed providing airtime to iPhone users who have bought them elsewhere.
Good trade accounting software continues to be a must for active securities traders.
That will be a good trade for the overworked, overtaxed big-city HENRYs.
So they will be looking at a good trade policy with the United States and an area where they can get more investment to build their infrastructure.
While an avid enthusiast gamer will happily plug-in more frequently in return for better visuals and sound, for families this is not such a good trade off.
FORBES: Battery Life is an Often Overlooked Family Essential
The Walker administration understood this to be a good trade.
At the beginning of the Obama administration, I had the audacity to hope that the new president would defy conventional wisdom and become a proponent of trade and a good spokesman for its benefits.
As he and other economists acknowledge in a symposium in the July Economic Journal, there is no clear-cut theoretical answer to the question of whether regional trade agreements are good or bad, and the empirical findings are hotly disputed.
ECONOMIST: Do regional trade agreements encourage free trade?
That is doubtless good for business and the trade balance, but not very good for the battle against global warming.
Mr. BERNANKE: Tendering the adoption of new technologies or inhibiting trade flows would do far more harm than good, as technology and trade are critical sources of overall economic growth and in increases in the standard of living.
There are a number of Democrats who think globalization and free trade are inevitable and good.
Adam Smith said you should not trust anyone who professes to trade for the public good.
The Olympics are normally held in places that have a good tourist trade anyway.