In terms of turnover, the American book trade leads the way, with an increase of 4.4% last year and a projected increase of 5% this year.
The trade surplus leads to large inflows of foreign currency, which is bought up by the central bank in order to hold down the exchange rate.
Mr Ackroyd leads a trade association, the Property Buyers' Association, and is pressing for regulation.
That leads to trade settlement failures and puts downward pressure on a stock.
Japan believes that this approach is one-sided and leads to managed trade.
That Mr Vajpayee has reopened a dialogue with Pakistan is welcome, especially if it leads to increased trade and therefore reduced tension.
That leads to a trade surplus, which means capital for domestic expansion.
In the same way, an increase in marginal tax rates leads to less domestic trade or economic activity.
We all know that increasing tariff barriers leads to less international trade.
Sergio Cofferati, who leads Italy's largest trade-union group, performs punchily on the hustings but is too left-wing.
Trade generates wealth, which in turn leads to demands for stricter environmental standards.
More importantly, a proactive buy-and-hold strategy will keep you from trying to guess where the market will trade at tomorrow or next week, which often leads to underperformance.
As the well-being of each declines, the wealth enhancement that is the result of trade becomes less frequent, and worse, often leads to further devaluations as monetary authorities engage in more mischief to ease the economic hardship wrought by previous devaluations.
America leads a posse of governments in disrupting illicit trade in nuclear, chemical and biological materials.
Free open trade helps drive our ability to compete and make these investments, which I think leads me to a very important topic, and that is U.S. jobs.
If Britain leads the way, reckons the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, a trade body, other countries may follow.
Perhaps no issue today, not even the wage competition that leads to export of manufacturing and support jobs, drives greater hostility to markets, globalization and free international trade.