Instead, traders around the world will be able to buy and sell futures contracts on any of these exchanges via a single computer link, without anyone signalling a trade across the crowded floor of a futures pit.
Congress has only ever stepped in to ban one kind of futures trade in the past: onions.
It turned out to be a counteroffer from the IntercontinentalExchange, a six-year-old Atlanta upstart, which had just finished buying the New York Board of Trade, the futures market for coffee, cotton, sugar and cocoa.
It turned out to be a counteroffer from the IntercontinentalExchange (nyse: ICE - news - people ), a six-year-old Atlanta upstart, which had just finished buying the New York Board of Trade, the futures market for coffee, cotton, sugar and cocoa.
Two years ago, the Chicago Board of Trade introduced an electronic gold futures contract and has parlayed it into a 19% share of the trading in gold futures.
The group also committed to advance sustainability reporting through the World Federation of Exchanges, a trade association of 54 publicly regulated stock, futures and options exchanges.
FORBES: A Tipping Point on Sustainability Disclosure in Rio?
Last September, the New York brokerage Cantor Fitzgerald teamed up with the New York Cotton Exchange to develop an electronic exchange to trade American government-bond futures, striking at the core of the Board of Trade's franchise.
ECONOMIST: Chicago��s ancient futures exchanges are showing their age
Eurex coveted the Board of Trade's biggest contracts, futures on Treasury bonds, which were still rooted in its old-fashioned trading floors.
Dean Curnutt at Macro Risk Advisors figures that in early March the Credit Suisse fund had to trade the equivalent of 3, 300 VIX futures contracts daily, or about 4% of the entire day's volume.
If I understand the report correctly, the agencies say a mutual fund company using (gasp) an algorithm to trade dumped a bunch of sell orders on the futures market, which caused a liquidity crisis that took down the market.
However, according to the CFTC, Driver was not the astute investor he claimed to be, and the majority of investor funds were not used to trade commodity futures.
The new CFTC requirement will affect managers that trade more than a deminimus amount of commodities, including certain futures, options and swaps.
FORBES: CFTC Registration Adds Additional Regulatory Layer for Hedge Funds
Fed funds futures traded on the Chicago Board of Trade have been indicating an 88% likelihood that rates would rise as the Fed ended its regular two-day meeting this week.
The CBOE was the first stock options exchange in the world, founded in 1973, spun off by futures traders at the Chicago Board of Trade who were looking for something to trade.
November Fed funds futures trading on the Chicago Board of Trade rose 0.13, to 95.0, indicating traders expect the fed funds rate to be cut to 5.00% from 5.25% in the next few months .
About 500 miles away from the cornfields of southern Illinois, in Chicago, Ceres, the goddess of agriculture stands atop the city's board of trade, the place that claims to have invented futures trading in in the 19th Century.
Instead of owning one, own index futures, which trade at a discount whenever stock yields are higher than short-term interest rates.
The Board of Trade followed suit five years later with trading in Treasury-bond futures.
The Chicago-based company runs the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and COMEX futures exchanges.
FORBES: CME Group Pays You Well To Wait For The Next Big Move
Some of the weakness was tied to several analysts downgrading expectations of forthcoming U.S. fourth-quarter gross domestic product after the release of monthly trade data, said Dan Pavilonis, senior commodities broker with RJO Futures.
FORBES: METALS OUTLOOK: Uncertainty Still A Hallmark For Gold; Market May Hold Range Bound
You would short euro futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange or the New York Board of Trade.
"The accuracy of tweets is a major concern, " said Zeid Barakat, co-founder of Flyberry Capital, a startup that uses high-speed strategies to trade commodity futures around news events.
Cantor Fitzgerald, meanwhile, expects approval by Tuesday of its own proposal to trade in Domestic Box Office Receipt (DBOR) Movie Futures, which would compete with TrendEx, headed by UBS veteran Robert Swagger.
The data is for the trade date ended March 13 and encompasses both the futures and options activity combined at the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Continue To Trim Gold, Silver, Platinum Bullish Exposure -CFTC
The data is for the trade date ended July 12 and encompasses both the futures and options activity combined at the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Take Big Long Positions In Gold - CFTC
The partnership was launched ahead of regulatory changes expected later this year which will allow US investors to trade the single-stock futures for the first time in almost 20 years.
Two years ago, the Chicago Board of Trade (nyse: BOT - news - people ) introduced an electronic gold futures contract and has parlayed it into a 19% share of the trading in gold futures.
The data is for the trade date ended Nov. 22 and encompasses both the futures and options activity combined at the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange.
FORBES: FOCUS: Falling Prices Push Speculators To Cut Bullish Metals Positions -CFTC
The data is for the trade date ended Nov. 1 and encompasses both the futures and options activity combined at the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange.
FORBES: FOCUS: Short Covering, New Buying By Speculators Seen In Gold -CFTC