The CBOE was the first stock options exchange in the world, founded in 1973, spun off by futures traders at the Chicago Board of Trade who were looking for something to trade.
You are going to immediately seek to trade them for something that you want.
On your next trip, trade a standard room for something a bit more unique.
It is the offer to trade something, usually silence, for some other good, usually money.
The trade show runs through Thursday and offers something for every gamer -- even if you don't stay in your living room to play.
The Twins were not going to be able to afford to re-sign him, so they thought trade him while we can still get something for him, otherwise he leaves next year and we get nothing.
If financial firms want to trade for profit, that's something they're free to do.
Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, talked about the challenges ahead in pushing through presidential "fast track" trade promotion authority and in crafting a prescription drug benefit for Medicare, something GOP pollsters say is essential to complete before the next election.
You look at the universe of stocks you want to trade and realize that trading AAPL takes up too much of your capital so you look for something more reasonable.
He added devolution was "earning its stripes" all over again as the 10-year-old Welsh assembly had "evolved something new for Wales" by bringing together business, public sector and trade union leaders in a series of economic summits.
While only 0.1% of the Chinese have been able to trade in their bicycles for cars, that still makes for a market worth going after--something more than 1 million cars a year.
Just as a floating foot and minute would lead to a lot of building and cooking errors, floating money would and does foster a great deal of malinvestment and trade disharmony for turning voluntary, economy-enhancing exchange with stable money as the measuring stick into something where trading partners are increasingly at odds.
FORBES: The Comical, Central Planning Fantasy That Is 'Market' Monetarism
Some experts argue that the programs belong at trade schools and that students should use their undergraduate years to learn something about the world before heading to business school for an M.
Sprint CEO Dan Hesse is pressing all parties to wrap up discussions in time for the wireless industry's trade show next week in Las Vegas, so Sprint can have something to present to investors.