Whether they have traditional health care or managed care, none of our people should ever have inferior care.
In 2009, for example, state workers with the HSA visited emergency rooms and physicians 67% less frequently than co-workers with traditional health care.
Considering the extremely large proportion of practitioners active around the world and the even larger population calling on their knowledge, traditional health care raises fundamental questions and requires specific reflection to deal with its ethical implications.
At the same time, traditional health practices are the primary health care provider for the inhabitants of many countries, and in some of them, or in remote and rural areas, they even represent the sole provider.
From enormous new players like Wal-Mart or Target to independent pharmacies that have been family-owned for generations, companies are working in innovative ways and breaching traditional barriers to provide quality health care.
FORBES: Advice To Health-Care Providers: Forget The Debate, Heal Thyselves
The commission will look at all aspects of the rapidly changing health care industry, including managed care, traditional fee for service care and the new hybrids, such as "physician supported networks" (PSNs).
What we are trying to do is to further elaborate the principle of non-discrimination and non-stigmatization, which is clearly stated in the Declaration of 2005, as relevant not only for more traditional issues related to health and health care, but also along the current main streams of scientific research.
Unfortunately, though health care is changing rapidly, traditional medical education focuses on teaching physicians to function solo, learning the details of diagnosing and intervening, but not so much the complexities of engaging disparate groups of clinicians, including nonphysicians, in common cause.
WSJ: The Experts: How to Improve Doctor-Patient Communication
Nature Iraq promotes projects designed to make the marshes' revival sustainable, including plans for a fish hatchery, tourist development and environmentally conscious "Green Villages, " where marsh people can practice their traditional culture while enjoying access to modern education and health care.
In addition to raising the eligibility age for the program from 65 to 67, it would offer seniors a choice between the traditional fee-for-service, government health-care program and an option like Mr. Ryan's, which would offer government support to purchase private insurance.
WSJ: Choice of Paul Ryan Means Medicare Could Be Hotly Debated in Campaign
Traditional Medicare must contract with any willing provider of health-care services, regardless of efficiency or quality.
FORBES: If Premium Support is 'Fatal' for Medicare, Why is it Good Enough for Obamacare?
Lowell likes Fidelity Select Health Care ( FSPHX) for its exposure to traditional big pharma, as well as to biotechnology and medical devices.
In addition, local traditional healers, or amchis, are not only responsible for provision of health care, but also for environmental management, such as the regulation of grazing in alpine pastures.
For small businesses, being self-insured would let them avoid new requirements under the law that call for traditional small group plans to include richer benefits, such as mental-health and maternity care.
Most of us know that greater longevity and rising health care costs mean we may not be able to afford to retire at the traditional age of 65.
They recruit them, leaving the older, sicker seniors in Medicare, and every health care economist who looks at it says over time what will happen is the traditional Medicare system will collapse.
In those places, practitioners of traditional health systems are largely available and provide easily accessible, culturally acceptable, low cost and largely holistic care to ill people.
Mothers take part in nutritional workshops for 15 days in the home of a community health worker, during which they learn better feeding and child care practices, using a mix of traditional products and modern knowledge.